Thursday, August 22, 2013

This Week's Big Thirsty.

Q: So, Who Do You Already Hate?


  1. Aside from one of the deans, highlighted in a post I made just the other day, I'm working on a serious dislike of the construction crews who have wrecked - simultaneously! - all major access routes to the campus. JUST IN TIME.

  2. The upper level administration. I can give them the benefit of the doubt no longer.

    1. Ditto Beaker Ben. I have fantastic colleagues and pretty good students, but our administration and its behavior and policies have made my workplace one that is no longer consistent with my personal and professional integrity. In short, I must stay silent and try to project a "good attitude" while policy after policy is enacted that weakens and impedes teaching and learning on my campus. To speak up or display any dismay is to invite termination.

  3. Nobody yet...but I'm developing serious reservations about Computer Charlie. Two days after the first class meeting, he's turned in three versions of the intro practice assignment, and he also emailed multiple times. In one exchange, he asked if, in the case that I am "confused about the reasoning behind a point I make" in any assignment, I'd check with him first before grading it.

  4. The student who sat in the front row on the first day of class and then promptly fell asleep.

    The students that completely ignored the directions, who obviously didn't even read them, and then did exactly what the directions told them NOT to do.

    The student that wrote me a long tome describing his full-time job and how that made it hard to pay attention to directions.

    There are more but that is enough for now.

  5. Oh, I cancelled all of my first week classes, so I still love everyone!

  6. What Beaker Ben said (about admin) and one superkeener, politicalsocialclimbing colleague who's little more than a nasty bully with a deceptively cheerful public demeanor.

  7. every person I had to sign in for late registration- because butts in chairs is more important than success and we all know what happens to student who add classes late. and the student who emailed me twice about the "trick" homework question- the question that I went over in class AND lab (and ultimately guided them to the answer), but oh, yeah, you were not paying attention because YOU didn't ask the question so it didn't apply to you.

  8. my office mate who insists on recording the voice overs for her course in the office while I am here. I guess I'm not supposed to make phone calls or talk to students during my own office hours.

  9. My best friend's future ex-husband. 'Nuff said?

  10. My insufferable colleague who keeps telling me about her "pedagogy ideas" (she calls them that) that aren't ideas: they're just common sense or already part of policy. She recently emailed everyone in the department about a "great new idea" for her syllabus: to include the office hours when she is in her office so students will know when to stop by (this must be why they haven't been stopping by). Oh, oh, I sense a Speedy Rant coming on.

  11. I don't really hate anyone. Yet. I do have a colleague whom I no longer respect or trust, and I have zero faith in the upper level administration. Let's see how this term shakes out. I may develop a serious hate list.

  12. I hate people who use the nominative relative interrogative when the accusative relative interrogative is called for. As in "who(m) do you love..." (or hate...)

  13. The student who sent me a voice-mail and a poorly written email asking why he wasn't enrolled in the class (answer: he wasn't paying attention when I asked waitlisted students to come up and get their add codes), who repeatedly interrupted me when I returned her call ("I have an anxiety disorder!"), and who after adding the class decided to challenge my decision to cover a particular REQUIRED topic.

    The student who can't stop interrupting me to answer questions I haven't finished asking, even after I tell him to stop.

    The student who keeps making appointments to meet with me for homework help in the class that I'm merely subbing for.

    Several members of the upper administration, who seem to be creating policies that are driving us into the ground.

    The person in the office next to mine, who will not leave me alone if he notices I'm in, even during office hours, even when I'm helping students. Sometimes I take the long way through our department so I don't walk past his office and he doesn't see me and doesn't know I'm in.


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