Thursday, October 10, 2013

Office Hours. Twitter Edition.


  1. Love this twitter collection. Occasionally, when Terry posts these, I peruse Twitter myself looking up some of the same terms. It's alarming how many students say stupid stuff about their professors. I've seen actual death threats, sometimes with a :) after them.

    And in many cases these students use their real name and photo. Many of them have a location, so it's oh so easy to figure out that Sammy Snowflake from East Lansing hates his fat, bald COMM 1101 professor because he makes them do homework on homecoming weekend.

    There should be a big Twitter button that says, "Hey, this is all public, mkay?"

  2. Sleeping through your professor's office hours is no big deal unless you're actually in the professor's office, sleeping.

    1. And whether that's a major problem depends on the size of the office (and the student). While most of the (few) students who grace my office hours make good use of the time, a good 25% of them spend it doing things (e.g. complaining about grades while brushing off suggestions for how to improve their work) that do not strike me as preferable to sleeping, which is at least quiet and inoffensive.

  3. Apropos of the twitter threads earlier this semester, I had a student tell me this week that one of hir professors had missed the first day of class, without sending any kind of word. The student's reaction was similar to the majority of reactions here: c'mon, you can't manage to make the first day of class? It may or may not be relevant that both the professor and the student belong to a major cool/cutting-edge enough that I won't name it here. Apparently the student is more serious about the work (which, however cool, can definitely be difficult) than the professor.

    That said, I do think that many students (like the "only four hours?!?" one above) think office hours should be whenever they feel like dropping by.

    Also, I really hate it when students show up 5 minutes before office hours end (which is usually 20 minutes before I need to be at a class 10 minutes' walk away, and about the time I realize I really need to fit a bathroom break into that time period).

    1. a major cool/cutting edge what?

      But I do my required hours plus appointments. And woe betide anyone who blows off an appointment with me.

    2. major="discipline" here, though not a traditional one -- in this case, a very high-tech art form.

  4. Terry, how did you miss this one?
    Always wanted to bang a professor... Well office hours at 11 wish me luck! #BucketListSecrets


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