Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Newest Twit-Edition: Dickheads. The Twitter Thing Keeps Giving and Giving and Giving.


  1. Do people actually post these with their real names attached? Wow.

    1. Terry does the Twitter thing and I'll let him answer on his own. But in my own reading of the CM feed (@collegemisery), yes, most of them seem to. And of course there are tons of pictures of them and their friends. I've seen some tweets where the student, using his or her own name, call out the proffie by his or her own name. Unfathomable.

      It makes me think of Kimmie who experienced some Twitter misery earlier. How many of us have students out there writing this trash about us?

      Terry P., you are a better man than me.


  2. I just stay off the twitter because I would be too tempted to retaliate in a way that is unhealthy. I don't know how Terry retains his sanity putting these together. They make me so angry: the use of names doesn't bother me. It's the complete and utter self-centeredness and lack of awareness of the fact that they're throwing away their education that gives me visions of elephant stampedes in the presence of certain students.

  3. No labor camp for any of them.

    Sentence is: Crushing by tank, preferably an M1A1 Abrams (because it weighs so much- 70 tons.)

    So say I, Strelnikov.....

    So shall IT BE DONE.

  4. I get the deported threat all the time. It's always right at the end of the term, and it's always as if the student has just now realized he/she has got a 44 in the class. I often see them the next term, and I have to stop myself from asking why they're still here.

    1. I always want to say, "You're not helping your case by telling me that. It just makes me want to fail you even more."

  5. Wait--what?! Kid number one READ THE FEEDBACK?! Give 'im an A.

  6. I love the last one. Right, it's your professor's fault you're getting deported. It has nothing to do with your effort. Nothing at all.

  7. I've had foreign students at the very beginning of the semester carefully inform me that they "cannot make a C in this class" as it will affect their student status in this country. I basically tell them to just not to make one, then!

  8. Good, now I'll never get a Tweeter account. I'm hoping that, as long as I'm not aware of it, they can vent away in the most ridiculous terms, and the total effect it has on real life is zero.

    1. But you are missing the "point" of Internet culture: to complain, then have others complain about the complaining, and onward into matryoshka-land.

    2. понимаю. There is also the irony that my comment applies without change to CM itself (replacing "I" by "snowflakes" and "admins", of course). You do need to find others who complain about the same things, though.

  9. "I'll be deported" is the new "I'll be drafted" -- sometimes true, but there's also a lot of crying wolf going on out there (which, of course, only harms those in genuine danger).

    One good thing about online learning: since the required-for-graduation class I teach is also offered online, they can be deported and still graduate (well, unless they're deported to somewhere with serious internet censorship).

    The worst excuse I got was "I don't know what my father will do if I fail this class." I thought that over for a few hours (email communication in an online class, so it was especially hard to assess the statement), and wrote a very carefully-crafted reply suggesting that the best course was to register to retake the class as soon as possible, but that if she were genuinely in fear for her safety, she needed to contact a domestic violence hotline, and make plans to leave before the class ended (I think I supplied a link, and a number). If I'm remembering correctly, the student finished the class, not with flying colors, but well enough to pass. So she was probably crying wolf, but who knows? If not, at least she had information about where to get help, and encouragement to leave, carefully.


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