Monday, September 15, 2014

Welcome to Northwestern College, Orange City, Iowa.

Nobody asked me. They just moved the whole damn compound. How did you get through those locks? I don't buy cheap shit.

Anyway, I have a GPS. I can find it, I guess. Iowa? Is it next to Idaho, Ohio? Somewhere in there, right. Big rectangular states. Corn, potatoes. Football teams.

Thought your crew might like to see the college orientation film.


Apparently Cash Brought the Duck.


  1. I swear it wasn't until the feet that I realized the thing had been doctored. That's how much I pay attention to orientation videos...cracked me up.

    1. Nah. It was because there was no mention of "serious fun", which, years ago, was a slogan used by the institution I used to teach at.

  2. I just want to know if the duck survived the move...

    1. Did he eat the alpaca? He's grown so much I didn't recognize him. ;)

    2. It is unusually large. What is the poster next to the bed?

  3. How good to see Northwestern, a place mainly notable for their high opinion of themselves (that, and a fine breeding ground for the 1%) getting their well-deserved comeuppance.


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