Thursday, September 8, 2016

A Big Thirsty Game From Dr. Amelia!

So I was listening to the radio station that has traffic reports on my way into work this morning. They were playing a game where someone described things about their profession and people had to try to guess what they did for a living. I came up with some for proffies:
  1. My boss has very little knowledge about what I do on a day-to-day basis
  2. I'm a strong introvert, but my job involves a lot of public speaking
  3. I spend a lot of time writing things that very few people will ever read.
  4. Customer reviews have a lot to do with how I am evaluated.
  5. I work 9-14 hours per day, as well as weekends, but I mostly set my own schedule. My Mom thinks I only work 3 hours a day, though.
Q: What Descriptions Could You Come Up With?


  1. Because I was able to teach effectively and able to publish a significant amount of essays (for my era and for my time), others assume that I have the skills and disposition to serve on department and college committees---that have NOTHING to do with teaching and scholarship.

  2. Despite advanced degrees and years of work experience, it's next to impossible to get a full-time job, since the majority are only hired on a part-time and/or temporary basis.

  3. Average salaries for my profession, as reported by the Department of Labor and similar, are 2x to 3x what I and my immediate full-time colleagues actually make.

  4. Most people think I and my colleagues get summers off. Even if we weren't taking on additional work to make ends meet, that wouldn't be true.

  5. A time traveler from the Middle Ages, if they had heard of my job back then, would recognize it if they saw me doing it now.

    People with my job are often accused of contributing to society's decline from the standards of days gone by.

  6. My customers want me to supply an inferior product.

    1. Slaughter, I think you win the prize.

    2. Definitely.

      And the less of the product I supply, the higher their satisfaction expressed in Yelp-like online reviews.

    3. Inferior product? I know people who'd prefer defective ones.

  7. My industry is widely recognized as a key to continued economic progress and technological advancement. However, after spending four (five, six...) years interacting with my industry, the things people remember most are semi-pro sports, drinking, and making friends.

  8. My performance is predicated on my prowess at persuading people half my age to do twice as much work as they want to while ponying up for the privilege.

  9. I tell young people that they have been raised and taught wrong for 18 years, and that now their punishment will begin.

  10. My friends don't understand why I can't just use vacation time to take a few days off to do a road trip with them. "You have substitute teachers for that, don't you?"

  11. I'm a stablehand, statesman, stand-up comic, gladiator, gladhander, gravedigger, and whore.

    1. At least one of those positions benefits from having a stable hand (I'm told).


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