year is always more stressful for us than at most unis because we must take all comers and do so until the last possible minute (even though we know late registrants very frequently end up dropping or failing, our administration loves to take their money). But this term was particularly fucktastic because of the man-made registration disaster. You see, for years we've all been promised we were going to get this fabulous new system. It would do everything we ever wanted and accomplish some things so great we couldn't even conceive of them. It would even slice, dice, and make julienne fries if we asked it to.
Except it didn't.
The powers that be rushed the system through. The training we received was atrocious, and much of it took place during the summer when most faculty and advisors are either gone or teaching loads up to the gills trying to make up for the fact that there will be no raises again this year and our insurance is going up. No backup system was planned. Things we used to be able to do with ease on the spot now have to be done by some nameless, faceless person in central administration, often hours or days later.
Monday morning looked like a war zone. Students were in line at every department, both student services and academic, by the hundreds. The system had dropped them even though they'd paid. Their test scores said they could register for Course X, but when they tried, Course Z was the only one they could register for because they'd been locked out of Course X. They were now registered for two different math courses and supposedly owed money because even though they dropped one, the system was billing them for two. Financial aid didn't get registered for some students even though they had award letters, so they were dropped. People who needed a course to graduate were kicked out without explanation, and all sections of that course were now full. Students were literally sobbing in the halls as they watched the schedules they'd carefully crafted around work schedules and prereqs collapse into one class at 6:30 a.m. and another at 7:00 p.m.
And then the system crashed. Courses that were supposed to be capped at 30 turned up the next day with 45 because no one could see how many people were really enrolled, so they kept sending manual overrides to central administration. Courses that were canceled because of low enrollment had to be reopened to accommodate all the extra students. Some faculty had their schedules change five times over the past five days. Sometimes two instructors would show up in the same room thinking a class was theirs. Other times a class full of students waited for an instructor who never showed because no one knew who was supposed to be teaching it. Students wandered the halls aimlessly as their new classes were listed as in TBA room with TBA instructor.
And who is responsible for this? At first, it was mostly the students, of course. They just didn't pay attention to what they were supposed to be registering for or when they were supposed to pay. Then after faculty and staff pointed out all the things that went wrong that couldn't possibly have been students' fault, we got the official answer: No one. These things "are to be expected with a new system." We have "a learning curve." One person made "a tiny programming mistake." We'll do better next time. I'm sure we will because experience is the harshest teacher of all.
I feel for you. Been there, done that, "to be expected" from a "tiny programming mistake" my ass. (Putting my old software engineer hat back on for a moment) tiny programming mistakes get caught during testing. Either it was a colossal programming mega-fuck-up or there WAS no testing because some idiot administrator decided it needed to be pushed out the door because "of course it will work, that's what we paid for." If your IT folks are paid like our IT folks, your administration certainly did get what they paid for...
ReplyDeleteI would like to have the details for the next time that I teach software engineering. My favorite project disaster is still the FBI's Virtual Case File software, though.
ReplyDeleteOur school changed our domain name over winter break.
ReplyDeleteWow. This is a tremendous story. I'm sorry for your pain but god it made me feel better!
ReplyDeleteIt wasn't Peoplesoft, by any chance?
ReplyDeleteYay, Banner. Enjoy the end of the semester, too!
ReplyDeleteOur Banner app actually seems to work pretty well. Maybe that perception is skewed and it just *feels* like it works well from comparison to BlackBoard, online course-tool of the damned. Press 'Submit'. . . Instead of "Loading" it should just read "Why don't you just go ahead and make yourself a sandwich and load the dishwasher and maybe have a shower or mow the lawn or something?"
ReplyDeleteCookies for those who guessed Banner, with an added bonus of Blackboard problems. We'll be doing the post-mortem in the next few weeks. I'm sure it will be fascinating.
ReplyDeleteI went through a Banner install when I worked at a university, and another one just recently once I'd switched to student (different university). I feel your pain. If it's any consolation, it's actually a really good program once you actually get everything properly installed, data loaded, and all the settings and preferences worked out properly. And, yeah, it turns out that setting a few seemingly small options the wrong way can cause positively huge issues with the way the program runs. It's a mess, but I swear there's a light at the end of the tunnel. And it's probably not a train.
ReplyDeleteI think Kimmy's right about this, but, for what it's worth, feel free to stay mad at the IT guys. I used to work IT, and while few roll-outs are perfect, there's no reason on God's green earth why you can't nab 80-90% of your problems in the set-up and testing phase if you actually (a) know what you're doing and (b) care enough/can take the time to do a good job. It's a tedious process that requires testing and retesting the software, but it can be done, and when so many people are counting on it to work, there's no excuse for not doing it. A few bobbles here and there are to be expected, but the kind of all-points failure that you described is easily preventable and wholly unnecessary.