Monday, August 16, 2010

It is I, Yaro!

I am pleased to find you here in this miserable place. For, I, too, have the college misery.

I teach in a place where I am expected to fail 8% of my students - roundabout that amount.

I teach in a place where they change textbooks once a year whether anyone wants that to happen or not. I just now picked up, me, Yaro, my new textbooks. They are worse than last year. I assume I will have to read them now in the 2 weeks before school starts.

I teach in a place where I must park miles away.

I teach in a place where I am paid less than the farmer that my grandfather was. He at least got sun.

I teach in a place where my students MUST, absolutely must, have texting available in class. I, Yaro, must watch their thumbs to make sure they are ready for my next utterance. Thumb still? I may continue. My gracious thanks, I, Yaro, say to them.

I am looking for a new place for me, Yaro, to ply my trade, to pass along knowledge.

I would like to feel necessary in this world.


  1. Yaro, my friend, where are you from? Is your construction real? Are you translating through a computer? I, ELS, welcome you to the Misery.

  2. are these all real posters or is someone just making up a bunch of names? Yaro isn't real, right? Is it you, Beaker Ben? You must be on sabbatical

  3. Not me! If I wrote something this funny, I'd put my name on it.

  4. I wrote it. I wrote most of the stuff on here. I wrote 9 of the Beaker Ben things and 45 (or 10%) of the Dr Snarky.

  5. I wrote this. And I made the graphic. And I am responsible for the ads and the color of the font. And I drove the Exxon Valdez into that big rock. And I hit Kirk Gibson's home run.

  6. Not only am I, Yaro, Yaro, I also, Yaro, wrote all of these comments. Then I smoked a big bowl.

  7. *I* AM SPARTAC. . . YARO!
    I cashed Cash's stash. In Malibu.
    I love all of you. Even the trolls. I Heart Trolls.

  8. Let me guess: Yaro is from the UK?
    Welcome to the asylum. Dinner is at 6. They won't let us have knives, for some reason.


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