Friday, August 13, 2010

A preemptive strike...

(A) I've been told there aren't enough TA posts to go around. Part of me says, "Yay! More time for the thesis!" But the other part of me would prefer not to subsist on ramen and rice & beans til December. FML!

(B) I've already met a couple of my students, and I already want to ream them all. So, time for some old skool:

Amazingly Annoying Arnie: God. Damn. It. I was *in* a class with you 2 years ago and I taught you in a 300-level lab last term. Plus, you stalked me in the anatomy lab all summer for "special" access to the cadaver I was working on. Dude, your very proximity makes me need a valium. I swear to God, you ask one more off-topic question in my class and I won't be held responsible for what I do with this Stryker saw.

Suppurating Steve: Dude, I just dissected an eyeball, and yet the thought of being in seminar with you next term makes me want to (a) vomit, (b) take a bath in 100% sodium chloride, and (c) wear my organic-chemicals respirator and full face shield for class. You were effing proud that you had a gigantic burn wound on your arm that got infected. You thought, "Science project!" Everyone else thought, "Why the fuck is it dripping? Is green skin normal? What in gay hell is that smell? Pseudomonas?!?!? I'm outtie!!"

Tech-savvy Tara: No I will NOT FB friend you. No I will NOT follow you on Twitter or let you follow me. No I will NOT TinyChat with you about the 1st assignment (which isn't due til the 23rd). If you email me once more, I will find a way to get the student limit dropped by one - and tag, you are it! And if you ever text me again - you psychotic little cow, you stalked me and found out my personal cell number WTF?!?! - you will pay for my getting a new number and I will press charges. I suspect this term will be tense between us.

And term doesn't even start til Tuesday...I need liquor...


  1. (A) I've been told there aren't enough TA posts to go around. Part of me says, "Yay! More time for the thesis!" But the other part of me would prefer not to subsist on ramen and rice & beans til December. FML!

    This rang quite a few bells for me. A word of warning for anyone who thinks this is true: Being underemployed can actually make you LESS productive.

    Worrying about money, eating poorly, and the general stress, anxiety, and insomnia can actually create problems that will impede your ability do the level of work you are used to when you are normally busy.

    Ask any proffie who's been on sabbatical. The lack of a regular schedule of various tasks can be hard to adapt to.

  2. Damn skippy, Meanie! I mean, look at me now - I'm between terms, I have 3 days of "freedom" left, and I think I'll be spending it watching Law and Order reruns when I ought to be finishing up a couple of projects leftover from last term (or maybe even have some fun, go for a swim, see a concert, unplug for a few days...anything!). I can't handle having no set schedule - I devolve into a brainless couch potato. Although, I do have to admit, I enjoy being able to read normal know, the kind without "-ology" in the title...


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