Monday, September 27, 2010

CM Readers Need a Dose of Folkchurch!

Where are you, darlin'? Everyone misses you.

PS to all: use "labels" when you post if you want your posts to be more easily found. Not only can folks instantly find all the "Dr Snarky" or "Beaker Ben" posts, but some of the more common labels help us when we need a serving of "arrogant students," "stupidity," or "smackdown." (Or, shudder, a taste of "Yaro!")


  1. Yes, please come back Samantha! We miss you and your amazing, spot on cartoons!

  2. Too much misery, not enough Folkchurchery.

  3. Folkchurch here. Been gettin' sucked up by campus misery. :P Seriously, I miss you guys, too!


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