Monday, March 21, 2011

Do we *have* to go back???

(Click on the image for the full-sized version.)

Hi you guys!

So, I was on spring break. I traveled somewhere sunny. Hooray! Did you know that the gluten-free food served on airplanes is way better than the regular food? I had NO IDEA. People shouldn't hold out on me like that!

While I was gone, I read some fluff. Also? I didn't miss you guys or the academy AT ALL. That's why I didn't send you a postcard or anything. I SO needed that break! I'm super glad I missed the CM troll clusterkerfuffle. I've backread it and if I were religious, I'd say that slick "honesty" is the work of the devil, or something like that. But I'm not, so I 'll just say anyone who wants to make CM all about themselves, and only about themselves, can go start their own stupid blogs. L0zrs.

Sunshine and rainbow kisses to all y'all!
xoxo Sam


  1. One of my colleagues...I call her "Metropolitan Morticia" in my head for her sartorial style but also her NYC-type condescension to us here in the Southland...came in for her first class after spring break nursing what appeared to be a prodigious hangover. "Why is always harder AFTER break?" she sighed.

    Truer words have never been spoken, until Samantha drew the above.

  2. I'm on the wrong side of the spring break divide myself (with the added discouragement that the end of spring semester runs straight, pretty much without stopping, into the beginning of the first summer term, in which I am teaching), but seeing a Sam Folkchurch drawing made it feel like the sun had come out, at least for a moment, over here.

    And "clusterkerfuffle" is my new favorite word.

  3. I wanna know more about the fluff you read. ;o) Thumbs up or down on the fairies? :o)

  4. Sam, during my spring break I decided to try and read some Dickens for fun, as I'd never gotten around to reading any of his works. After about 2 hours I ditched that after my wife handed me some YA Sci-Fi lit, I Am Number Four (Now A Major Motion Picture!). It was way more enjoyable. I I can't wait for the sequel. Seriously.

  5. BlackDog: OMG, now I want to draw a cartoon featuring Metropolitan Morticia. Please post an illustratable story about her PRONTO. The inside of your head sounds hilarious!

    Cassandra: Should we add a clusterkerfuffle tag? Maybe if enough people use it, it will make it in the CM Glossary 2.0 (or 1.1, or whatevs).

    ELS: XO back at you!

    Cynic: The fairies book was super fun. And Liar was an excellent read. I love YA lit! But then I draw cartoons for fun, so what would you expect? :)

  6. PP: Oh, I will check that one out! Thanks for the tip. I also liked Cory Doctorow's book, Little Brother. Enjoyable and topical--unlike this stack of large papers I'm facing. :P Groan.

  7. Thanks for the review. I, too, devour my share of fluff and YA joy (b/c it reads better than any crap I have to read at work). :o) Away to the bookstore I will take myself today since I, too, am a week off of everyone else and am on break now. Thanks!!!


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