Friday, March 4, 2011

realtime snowflake email response

"Hi (my first name),

I was just wondering if anything is going to be posted about what we're responsible
to know for quiz 3.

Snowflake McSnowflake"

 Dear Ms. McSnowflake,

Quiz 3, just like Quiz 1 and Quiz 2, will test all material covered before the quiz, as stated in the syllabus and on the website.


Dear Ms. McSnowflake,

Just for fun, this time I've decided to test you on things we HAVEN'T covered in class and that AREN'T in the assigned readings...  Seriously?  What do you THINK is going to be on the fracking quiz? You're joking, right?

Dear Ms. McSnowflake,

I don't know you from Adam, there are 500 people in this fracking class, where the frack do you get off using my fracking first name?


Dear Basketweaving 100 students,

Quiz 3 will test all material covered in class and in the assigned readings.  Have a good weekend.

Yours, Prof. Academic


  1. Several of my colleagues use the "email-the-whole-class-even-if-only-one-person-asked-the-question" tactic. I think it's a good one in some situations, because (a) if one person is wondering, it's likely that a few others are, too and (b) you can be a bit tougher in your response, since it isn't personal. But yeah, in my day, quizzes weren't something you had prolonged exchanges with the teacher about; whether announced or pop, you assumed they would cover the material you'd recently been working on, and that, if you were keeping up reasonably well, they probably wouldn't present major difficulties.

  2. Southern Bubba, that was also one of the drafts. :)


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