Monday, April 11, 2011

Ah, spring...

when the male dumbshits drive around town in their pickup trucks, windows down, hollering at women whose skin--after months cocooned beneath sweaters, coats, and scarves--is *visible.*

But you know what? Some of us are your professors. And I'm not flattered by your hormonal outbursts.

See you in class.


  1. The scary question is... are some of the men out there having hormonal outbursts themselves professors?

  2. I used to get hormonal outbursts lobbed at me. But that was long, long ago, when the world was young and new, and I was not yet a middle-aged lazy ass.


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Comment deleted, it was not going to encourage rational discussion, sorry.

  5. like! like like like like.

    (with a slight "just cool it, boys" to boot)

  6. LOL, couldn't help but notice how with the hair, glasses, and rifle, the woman looks like Sarah Palin.

  7. Sarah Palin has pink hair? Boy I should watch the news more...

  8. A friend over in the Department of Using Statistics To Do Boring Shit actually used traffic statistics to do interesting shit last year. Over the past 10 years, the first incidence of warm weather (70+) has coincided with a statistically significant uptick in traffic accidents. The ratio of male-to-female drivers in these accidents is also higher than normal, suggesting that more men are getting in more accidents.

    I want them to make an Allstate ad like that...Mayhem, thy name is a 20-old girl in a tube top and Daisy Dukes.

  9. BlackDog: They DO have a car insurance (State Farm?) ad like that! Guy, while staring at "mayhem" jogging through the neighborhood, runs his car into a pole. Ah, spring!

  10. @ New England

    Fair enough. She really has brown hair, but other than that the resemblance is striking.

  11. When the hormonal boys (and some girls) start staring at my chest too much, the cardigan becomes my friend.

  12. Look on the bright side: at least they're not following up the hooting at you outside with asking you out *during* class. (That happened to me once; it was creepy.)

  13. Emergency Mathematical Hologram: You've caught me. Dr. Snarky isn't my real name. It's actually...

    Tina Fey. (gasp)


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