Monday, June 13, 2011

Rick from Raleigh With Evidence of the End of the World - At Least of Australia.

My students here in North Carolina are stupid for crazes, fads, trends, etc. Perhaps it's always been thus. Planking. Done it. Lipdubs, of course. Flash mob, so last year.

And now two of my students were bragging about cone-ing at the local Dairy Queen. When I - stupid, stupid, stupid me - asked them what it was, one of them emailed me the link below.

Why are they so fucking stupid?


  1. That really is stupid... like the drive thru people really care that some clown takes the ice cream in his hands... and, it's kind of an expensive prank, if you repeat it like this goon does...

  2. Did you watch his video? Yes? Then he got what he wanted.

  3. It's like the socially incompetent version of cramming as many people possible into a telephone booth or a VW Beetle, or flagpole sitting.

    There is a guy named Brad Carter, and he runs a telephone prank call site called Phone Losers of America ( At least he and his friends had the brains to jack into the wireless headset frequencies of their local Taco Hell and screw with the drive-up patrons, along with epic prankings of telephone psychics, hotels, auto parts joints, noted elderly lady Mildred Monday, and this raginging angry Jewish guy in Florida whose number had been misprinted as the info line for his local court house - Brad called him and the dude stalked him for hours!

  4. What the heck is planking???? Or should I not ask?

  5. Lying perfectly flat at weird angles, like a board at a construction site.

  6. Wow. There are planking videos too.
    These seem like awfully inconvenient pranks for the pranksters. I thought the idea was to inconvenience someone else.

    I would probably think he was a psycho and call the cops.

  7. Well, they can always call "planking" and "coning" "performance art"; but that's just an insult to the Mummenschantz people.

  8. Wow--no wonder they can't get a simple MLA formatted header correct...

  9. I know it's stupid, but I couldn't stop laughing. I think it's how dead-pan his face is every time.

    I'm easily amused, I guess.


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