Friday, June 10, 2011

To Reply-all or Not To Reply-all; That is the... Actually, that's not the question, the question is, did you think we wouldn't notice when you choose not to reply-all?

Dear Friend of the TWBs:
   For personality, you're not as bad as the TWBs, but god are you fucking retarded or what?  When you Cc: me and the dean on your latest excuse for doing no work, you should expect that I'll be in the loop.  When I write back that I already mailed you the assignment as an attachment, to get around your dubious claim to be locked out of Blackboard, don't reply to just the dean "no she didn't" and expect her not to notice that you left me off.  Your bald-faced lie could have turned into electronic she-said-she-said with claims of the mist eating your homework, and maybe we'd have let you win just to get out of the go-around, if you'd had the guts to say that to the dean AND me.  But you clearly look like you're (wisely) hiding from me when you suddenly take me off the message.  By the way, you should have gone back and checked the message to which I had attached the assignment, because I Cced her on that anyway, so you were dead in the water all along.  I know you like instant gratification, so how about I go in and enter your F a full two weeks early. 
Love, Wombat


  1. Cc'ing the dean in an email about an assignment and then using that email to nail a student is hard effing core justice. This will balance out anything that comes from the Casey Anthony trial.

  2. I've got more than 3000 students in my faculty and I already have > 1100 emails left in my inbox *after sorting out problems and dealing with issues* (need I note that I zeroed the inbox April 1?). If I got CCed on all assignments I would just set up my email to just erase all incoming letters and retire to Hawaii.

    Dean Suzy

  3. Issue number one...why on earth does such a petty thing require dean-level involvement. The inmates are clearly running the asylum.

    Issue number's dang funny when they hang themselves like that, Wombat. Keep fighting the good fight...or not, they'll just bring themselves down with their own actions sooner or later.

  4. see Wombat's previous posts.

    It's an unfolding saga. Those women really need to be disciplined.

  5. I'm pretty sure the primary Dean under whom I work already has a filter set up (or, more likely, a minion assigned) to delete anything to do with teaching. I occasionally have exchanges with a student in which one of us (almost always me) involves the director of my program, and grade complaints would go to the chair (if the students actually followed through on their threats to file a grade complaint, which they generally don't when I explain that it involves writing a letter making their case), but the Dean considers hirself way, way above such matters. Anyone attempting to involve hir would definitely lose, not gain, leverage.

    Though I strongly object to our Dean's lack of attention to (and, by implication, respect for) teaching, I, too, don't think it would be appropriate for hir to become involved in matters related to individual classes.

    Maybe there's some title inflation at Wombat's institution, with a resulting proliferation of Deans?

  6. We were given notice several months back that the new dean wants to (at least temporarily) be included in electronic-paper-trails related to "Blackboard ate my homework" type complaints and counter-complaints. I'm no mind reader, but in my version of her thoughts, she's trying to emerse herself in it so she can figure out a way to shoot them down and keep all of our asses covered.

  7. @Wombat: well, that would probably be good news, if it is, indeed, the case. If she turns out to be a micro-managing control freak, that is, of course, bad news.


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