Thursday, April 5, 2012


That's a lotta
Comment #30,000 was made a few days ago. Congrats to Contingent Cassandra. Your prize is a vibration of love and happiness I'm sending to you through the wires.



 The Little Professor wrote about the subject lately, and referenced this from the Center for College Affordability and Productivity (a very efficient bs machine, especially when it comes to defining "productivity"; they're behind some recent misery over a report on UT-Austin). Searching on the Center's name in the CM archives yields several posts, one of which may well be the one you're thinking of; if not, the Little Professor's discussion and/or links might yield something similar enough to serve your purpose.


  1. What? No trophy? I wanted a trophy!

    Oh, wait a minute; I'm a boomer (barely). So, yes, good vibes should do very nicely. Thanks, Fab!

    Also, I'm a bit afraid to contemplate how many of those 30,000 comments may have been mine. Guess it's the equivalent of buying lots of lottery tickets -- I finally won the prize!

    1. I can make you a certificate suitable for framing if you'd like.

  2. And if it means that my calling out the Center for College Adjunctification and Professorial Disparagement lands at the top of the blog for moment, all the better.

  3. Isn't this the same organization that cites RMP as a credible source for data collection?

    1. It's run by Richard Vedder; he is associated with "The National Review" so yeah, it's a rightwing wankfest posing as a thinktank.

      Because he is completely embittered by academia, Nando of "Third Tier Reality" has the site linked to his page. College Misery used to be listed, but we pissed him off.

    2. That's what I thought. Our president cited something from this organization at our last faculty meeting and I thought, "Wait? Do you even know who you're quoting?"

    3. Let me guess: the prez. has had time in Corporate America, right? CCAP says what they like. If he hasn't been a suit in a glass tower then he is one of those wannabes who wants the university to look like Microsoft.

  4. Heyooo, CC! Nicely done.

    30,000 comments later, there's still no end to the misery. What kind of a profession have we gotten ourselves into?


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