Thursday, November 29, 2012

We Didn't Eat The Duck.


  1. Aw, c'mon, that duck was obviously photoshopped in. Now I'm really wondering what happened to it.

    1. No, the background is photoshopped. The duck is real and is doing fine. Don't worry about the duck. Worry about the context.

  2. I am very new here, but LOVE the page. My god it's the best academic blog in existence. I can't believe how many times I've laughed my ass off reading the posts and comments. Whoever you are, you're doing an amazing job.

    But I have to ask, what is it with the duck? I've seen it referenced a few times, but I have to know the inside story. Does it live on the compound?

    You people are tea-partying geniuses! Geniusi?

    1. BFT, welcome to the community. I love this place, too. And I love the duck. I'm a huge fan of the duck. I love its randomness and the fact that we revere random animals for no good reason.

      Explaining the duck is kind of like having to explain a joke, but as one who often doesn't get punchlines, I'll try...

      From what I can remember (and anyone feel free to correct me if it goes further back), we got into this discussion one week about whether we should introduce linked articles (you know, the articles people just post from another source without explaining the article's significance or why it was being posted because some people were complaining that the blog was just a compilation of linked articles instead of original material), which resulted in Terry P (does anyone know where Terry P is now??? I miss Terry!) mocking that and posting a random pic of a duck in this post.

    2. Welcome, Big Fat Tony! Share some misery!

  3. The alpaci are gone, but the duck lives on! WooHOO. My Thursday afternoon is back to normal.

  4. What about the hamster? The last time I saw it, Cal was muttering about teaching it how to swim.

    Howdy and welcome to you, BFT. Judging from your monicker, you seem like a fella who could *ahem* take care of problems. Perhaps you could apply to be the CM Troll Tosser.

  5. Yes, CC is right on the duck stuff. The post in question is quite a miracle.

    Since then, Cal has probably invoked the duck most often, to timely defuse one of the many nutty arguments that break out.

    But the duck is all things to all people. And, fuck, it's a mallard anyway. But Fuck a Mallard does not quite have the panache.

    Leslie K

    PS: Fab helped with this comment. He's such a buttinski.

  6. I coulda sworn the duck predates that particular post...


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