Monday, July 1, 2013

Happy Canada Day! (We Have Many Canadian Readers, Of Course, About 10%, Actually, and One Very Prominent Community Member is an Expat Canadian.)

Do You Have Any Idea How Hard It Is to Find A Picture of a Regular Beaver On the Internet?

Happy Canada Day!


  1. "Do You Have Any Idea How Hard It Is to Find A Picture of a Regular Beaver On the Internet?"

    This year I took the challenge, and Googled 'beaver'. After the obligatory Wikipedia page, and some entries for National Geographic and Canadian Geographic (we're such copycats... copybeavers?... whatever), the worst I got was a video for "The Beaver Whisperer", which sounded a little iffy, until I noticed it was an episode of The Nature of Things. Not even a link to Urban Dictionary.

    Over on the Images tab, it was all pretty much the Castoridae, though one composite image included a sea otter, and another - inexplicably - a very large fish (make of that one what you will).

    So I don't think you're doing it right. Or maybe I'm not doing it right, depending on how you look at it.

  2. Leslie K must have the dirty settings activated on her browser.

    Happy Canada Day to our friends from the north.

    1. That's what I was thinking (or, rather, that the previous browsing history of whoever was looking for the beaver might be influencing the current results. All the same, I'm not trying it, since I don't want to spend the next year having porn sites pop up in all the available ad spaces).

      Searching on scientific name would, I would guess, be a solution (well, unless the porn purveyors and adolescent males have teamed up to outwit the nanny programs, and are now using scientifically-based pseudonyms).

  3. A regular beaver!

  4. Welcome to Canada!

  5. A very happy Canada Day to all. . .but, um, you do realize those are Japanese maple leaves adorning the CM masthead?

    1. I'm sorry, but I did the first graphic on my phone and I didn't spend a good deal of time on it.

    2. Good gravy, Cal, don't you know the difference? Working for the site on your phone? Man, you are really showing that summertime determination. I don't know why Leslie K hasn't fired you yet. Maybe she has? Did you turn your key card in? And take all that damn gluten free bread out of the freezer so I can fit in some more pudding pops.

    3. Appropriate. I think we have Norway maples on our money.

    4. Thanks, and apologies for the nitpickiness. I really don't care what kind of maple leaves we have on the masthead, but I was amused given their stated purpose (not that I have anything against Japan; in addition to making reliable cars and electronics and making a variety of contributions to worldwide culture, they've got some really neat plants, and make lovely gardens from them). Clearly, I need an actual garden to play in; armchair/backseat gardening just makes me a nuisance.

    5. R and/or G: I seem to remember hearing something about that. Maple misidentification is apparently epidemic. What is this world coming to?

  6. Maple syrup on anything day (eggs benedict this morning, but with prosciutto--that's Canadian).

  7. In the spirit of dirty Canadian hashtags, I give you the best of #canadiansexeuphemisms on Twitter today:


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