Friday, November 14, 2014

Legend. Amirite?

I don't want to make anyone swoon or faint.

But guess who'll be here soon?


  1. Ron Jeremy? What, is he an adjunct now?

  2. Oh, shit. Batten down the hatches.

  3. I was so happy to hear from him. He's one of the all time greats. We will let him catch his breath - he looks a bit heavier than last time we saw him - but it will be cool to hear from him again.

  4. Great, that's all I need. If he makes another crack about Strunk and White, I'll have to use the whole box of staples (TWITCH! TWITCH!) on him.

  5. He looks more placid than his erstwhile moniker would have suggested; maybe he's changed it to Placid Pete. Or Blase Bob.


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