Tuesday, February 3, 2015

From the Daily Eastern news of Eastern Illinois State U.

College professors need to understand 
that class for us is hard 
to make it to sometimes.


  1. Yawn! Another article by an entitled, self-empowered snowflake....

    If she thinks her education's finished when she graduates, she'll be in for a shock as she'll rapidly be taught what the real world is like.

  2. Good Grief, what in the zarking fardwarks is a "family consumer science major"?

    1. It's what used to be called home economics.

    2. Egad, it's worse than I thought. From the university's website:

      "The School prepares students to improve the global society through its life span perspective with an applied integrative focus on individual and family development, nutrition and health, consumer studies, merchandising, apparel and textile design and hospitality management. "

      Somebody somewhere just won big on Buzzword Bingo.

    3. I think it's what used to be called an MRS degree.

      In a few years, she'll be the mom in the minivan mowing down little old ladies, dogs, and other people's kids in her rush to get her own kids to as many "enrichment" activities as possible.

    4. and telling everyone how bad vaccines are for kids (sigh) because he kids are "special"

    5. Eating nothing but gluten-free whea-tgrass smoothies

  3. I must admit, I did enjoy the comment at the end of the article mocking her.

  4. I'm impressed that Eastern Illinois still has a daily student newspaper. That's pretty rare these days. Beyond that. . . .

  5. Good God! Did you see the list of extracurricular activities she is involved in? No wonder she has no time to make it to class.

    She chose to fuck up her schedule. *shrugs shoulders*

  6. Were there people like this around twenty years ago (when I was in college) and they just knew better to speak up? Or I was too focused to notice?

    So few things are really new that I"m afraid to believe that this level of entitlement has actually appeared out of nowhere, but I don't remember anyone except starlets (of all genders) actually being willing to express it in public.

    1. I think you're right--this is new. Or like you, I didn't notice.

      But come to think of it, no, twenty years ago nobody would have had the stones to tell a professor "I have a life, you know!"

    2. Something like that did happen to me shortly after I started teaching just over 25 years ago. I was teaching a design course and I outlined what I expected from my students. One twerp piped up and proclaimed: "Some of us have a social life, you know!"

  7. That...is a piece of work. As is the writer.

    FWIW, I have started giving 5 point "pop" reading quizzes this semester because I am fucking sick of asking questions and being met with blank stares because 1/3 to 1/2 of them didn't bother reading.

    And yes, they're given within 5 minutes of the official start of class. Don't be late! Because your busy life isn't my fucking problem!

    1. When I was adjuncting, I used those low stakes pop quizzes to maintain accountability since most of the literature I had read on them suggested they were pedagogically valuable. And they were! But the students absolutely hated them, and it definitely showed on my evals. Probably helps to explain why I wasn't renewed...

    2. I sometimes made myself unpopular with late-comers by simply locking the door after I arrived. Anybody who came after me was simply out of luck.

  8. Students need to understand....

    That's it. Students need to understand.

  9. That article has to be parody or satire.

    1. You're right. A lot of the horror stories these poor bastards post are just their own insecurities and fear of being low level juco part-timers. I would bet that someone from the website wrote this article to denigrate students. It would not be the first time!!!!!!

    2. Hi OPH. I wrote the author today and gently raised the possibility, since you and some others questioned it.

      It's real, baby, and the writer was glad we linked to it.

    3. Is Aeronautics just Anonymous in disguise?

      If I had written this I would have posted it HERE for the other four of us to admire.

  10. Complains about how the final 20% of class time is useless...

    Said complaining is so poorly edited that it takes up final 50% of article.


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