Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Spamcatcher Is Working.

XXXXXXX has left a new comment on your post "The Class Where Everyone Failed":
What kind of policy is that to make as much people to fail as possible? Professors of that kind shoulnot be eligible to teach at universities 


XXXXXXX has left a new comment on your post "The Class Where Everyone Failed": 

What kind of bulls**t policy is that to make as much people to fail as possible? Your kind should not be eligible to teach at universities 


XXXXXXXhas left a new comment on your post "The Class Where Everyone Failed": 

What \skind of BULLSHIT policy is that you to make as much people to fail as possible? Your kind should not be eligible to teach at universitys 


XXXXXXXhas left a new comment on your post "The Class Where Everyone Failed": 

What kind of bulls**t policy is that to make as much people to fail as possible? Your kind shoulnot eligible to teach at universities like yours


  1. I kind of like the progression. A few more iterations and it could become sentient.

    1. A few iterations later and it'd be ready for admin.

    2. Shit, it's already indistinguishable enough as is.


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