Sunday, March 13, 2016

Sunday Thirsty.

when I was an undergrad, I was so dumb that I



  1. ...kept nearly all my textbooks, and I still use what ones from my major I didn't wear out long ago, and am still amazed every time I look at nearly all the ones from outside my major.

  2. Thought that the world was a meritocracy.

  3. ...thought things would improve.

  4. ...thought my professors should care about student evaluations.

  5. ... called my professor at his home (I know, I'm a real shithead) to get out of an exam by claiming that my girlfriend's grandmother died so I had to drive her home that day.

    Without directly saying so, the professor told me that while he thought I wasn't the brightest student in the class, he didn't realize that I was that so stupid to try that scheme. I managed to make it to the exam after all.

    1. Do you remember what he actually said?

      I can imagine him, for example, referring to your grades or saying that you were not doing really great but only "perfectly fine". Then, he would say that he was surprised and disappointed that you would even consider such a request.

  6. ... spent most of my free time refreshing a dying academic blog to increase the hit count.

    1. Then why don't you do something constructive, such as ask a girl out on a date, or do your homework?

    2. My free time is what I have AFTER work and homework. And, as for the girl, I'm gayer than a cum flavored lollipop.

    3. I don't think Frod cares who you ask out as long as it isn't a sheep.

    4. That's right, I don't. I don't even care if it is a sheep, although keep in mind that would put your school in a class with Fresno State.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. I guess that rules out attending Ewe of Edinburgh.

  7. ... believed people when they said that all the Baby Boomers would be retiring and leave lots of open academic jobs for me.

  8. ...didn't ask for help when I clearly should have.


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