Tuesday, September 14, 2010

"Gov. Jay Nixon's news conference was canceled."

"Deranged student" (maybe it was Timothy?) slashed the throat of a dean this morning.

Hell, if the students are going after the deans, then we proffies on the front lines sure as hell have to be concerned. We're the gatekeepers--the proffies and the deans and others--and those crazy shits (ahem, students) are going to continue to get angrier. Welcome to the jungle. Watch your back... and your throat.


  1. watch out for demonic tatttos, is that it? wonder if he'd have been a more calm student if we made textbooks available on Kindle?

  2. Maybe one of the student's former professors should have tried to be his BFF.

  3. Maybe he was just outraged at the exploitation of adjuncts.

  4. I'm going to start wearing Kevlar (tm) turtlenecks--even in the summer!

  5. The dean, Albert Dimmitt Jr., was described as having a slashed throat.

    Bubba had a YouTube link to the song "Welcome to the Jungle."

    The band who performed the song was Guns N' Roses, whose lead guitarist is nicknamed "Slash."


  6. Two slashed throat stories so far this month: one, a Dean and a disgruntled student. The other, a Muslim at work and a douchebag Islamophobe.

    And yet, these attacks still remain purely anecdotal; there is no cause for concern that this will begin happening in our own classrooms.

  7. Until I see a post from Midwest May, I'm not going to be convinced that she's not the disgruntled student. And, seriously, who could blame her?

    I know some good defense attorneys, May :)

  8. Maybe the Dean "unfriended" him on Facebook.

  9. Wow. Not Timothy, though, as I'm not at a CC. And not in KC, but hey.

  10. Haha and I just saw Prissy's comment. Yeah, not me either. :P


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