Monday, November 1, 2010

Civility is Dead. A VidShizzle.

Since I've become a sort of regular reader here at CM, I've been thinking a bit about civility and what it means in the online blogosphere.

Saw this fascinating segment on the Today Show this morning and thought I'd share it.

Sorry if there's an ad first; I didn't know how to get the clip any other way...


  1. I saw this segment, too. I try to be pretty optimistic about the culture, but this issue depresses me.

  2. Yo Darla, Imma let you finish, but Fab Sun posts the best VidShizzles of all time! Of all time!

  3. This is WAY off topic, but I don't have posting rights. Why are there never any CM posts on the Inside Higher Ed "Around the Web" page? What is normally there seems awfully dull compared to what this forum generates. Just saying:

  4. Yeah, I remember the 1950s. EVERYTHING was so much more wholesome then. Really. Like, I wish I'd been alive then because I wouldn't have had to watch the Jersey Shore, but I COULD have been arrested for being a Communist! Sign me the hell up, Matt!

  5. Commies were pretty uncivil too.

  6. Interesting commentary on our society, and like it says in the segment, we all are, to a degree, complicit.


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