Saturday, November 13, 2010

a little weekend vidshizzle.

Here's another great professorial fantasy from a user of xtranormal. The script almost sounds as if it came directly from a post here at College Misery. Enjoy !


  1. This is the funniest of these videos, and they're all pretty funny.

    This is all my office hours are used for. There was coffee-to-keyboard diaster at:
    -we noted your absence and cancelled class
    -did you use control-v...

  2. I gotta say...
    I love the "I had to take extra shifts so I could buy better beer than you do."

  3. @Wombat
    I disagree, the "27 Poems About My Dead Dog" is funnier. This one is very good, however. I particularly liked the occasional, sudden drops in diction on the part of the prof: "Now get out of my office before I pop a frickin' vein."

  4. It would have been better if it ended with the prof getting up and cutting off that emo bang the douchebag was sporting...

  5. Who bugged my office? The only bit missing was this gem from last week:

    "I asked a friend for the solution to exercise 3 and he told me something different" - and then he quotes a homework helper board where the helper gave some utterly wrong information.

    Say, that might be a nice game for long, cold winter nights - signing up and giving bizarre, wrong answers to the standard questions asked on such sites.

  6. "Say, that might be a nice game for long, cold winter nights - signing up and giving bizarre, wrong answers to the standard questions asked on such sites. "
    Suzy, you just blew my mind. omg, I want to do that so badly!

  7. We can make a game of it, with the top prize going to the first prof who actually finds the misinformation in a student paper via

    Wait, my bad. On second thought. . . But it was a fun little fantasy while it lasted.

  8. I'm thinking we should do it as a group event. Pick a night during the week that the last major exams and papers other than Final Exams are being given, and we ALL throw up BS answers. We can even ask some of the questions to seed the fields. We'll split up by specialty. For instance, Ben can take, I'll take Yahoo Answers, and Froderick can be the question seeder.

    Let's go for Dec 6. Who's in?

    [Yes, it would appear I have too much time on my hands. And no, unfortunately, I don't have time for this. But yes... I would be willing to do it. Color me shamed.]

  9. "Say, that might be a nice game for long, cold winter nights - signing up and giving bizarre, wrong answers to the standard questions asked on such sites. "

    I actually do that over at But there are so many questions there (often including lots of versions of the same question), and they are so stupid and often so incoherent that I am not sure it does any good. Many of the people using that source must really be stupid as nails. Beware, however: if the answers are too nutty and someone notices, you can get your access temprorarily denied.


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