Sunday, November 14, 2010

Probably not racist. Definitely dumb.

I couldn't resist imagining how this post actually played out.

p.s. OMG--the PUPPIES!

I think the black puppy is experiencing the heartbreak that IS College Misery. *sniff*


  1. Holy smokes! The post was funny. This is freaking HILARIOUS!!!

    Also, a sad commentary on how we (as a culture, not us CMers) throw around the term "racist" without really knowing what it means. There's a Neal Boortz clip I must find that addresses this...

  2. Now you've made me want to go out and adopt a black puppy. Am I experiencing white guilt?

  3. I prefer Asian puppies. Yellow is beautiful.

  4. I like spotted puppies. I don't know what I am.

  5. Regardless of your racially inspired preference for yellow, black, spotted or white dogs, at least you can all be comforted by the fact that you are not cat lovers, God help them all.

  6. it's the rabbits that freak me out. What's with all the carrots? What do they need such good eyesight for anyway?

  7. M-A&M: Yup, it must be bunnies! Or maybe midgets...

  8. We cat lovers already knew we aren't racists. After all, I'm good friends with a Siamese cat. (Except when he walks across the keyboard.)

  9. What an amazing and classic post. It still astounds me that so many Americans can be so clueless to the power dynamic of racism -- and think that such a thing as "reverse racism" or "puppy racism" actually exist. Gah indeed.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. This is dead on!

    The incident depicted happened some time ago, but it continues to astound me.

    I recall that during the class break, the sole African-American student in the class came up to me and said sotto voce, in disbelief, "Um. PUPPIES." I just shook my head and said, "I know." It is disturbing that so many people so fundamentally misunderstand these concepts. Surreal.

  12. As a person with a mixed-race cat (tuxedo coloring), I feel incredibly enlightened and evolved.


    "Snoopy, Lassie, Cerberus, Rin-Tin-Tin: lovable canine companions are a dime a dozen. Which makes Skipper: The Racist Dog such a breath of fresh air! Tired of "PC" dogs who "like" children and "accept" other mutts without passing judgment? Well then, Skipper is the dog for you! "

  14. I have cats too. I guess that means I'm a multiculturalist. But I'm trying to get my cats to catch some mice who've come in for the winter. Maybe I'm an imperialist?

  15. @EnglishDoc, mousetraps loaded with peanut butter work at least as well, as long as they're inaccessible to your pets. We caught our first freeloader yesterday.

  16. Thank you! So far our traps with "mouse attractor" have caught just one, and one of our cats has caught a second one. I'll give the peanut butter a try.


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