Wednesday, December 1, 2010

VidShizzle: Index Cards

The video was removed from CM at Cal's request.


  1. Cal should sell a DVD of all of these. Donate the profit to his favorite tutoring center!

  2. I have warmed up to these vidshizzles over time - despite their idiotic name! (And Cal is Compound Calico from RYS, is he not?)

    What I love about them is that they show us our precious flakes as they really are, as they are when they speak to their friends and their 154 Facebook pals. It's as if the adult world doesn't exist, and they are just as God, their parents, TV, and the public school system has made them.

    I feel like a bit of a hard ass on these matters usually, but the videos of them dancing in their dorms make me a little misty.

    They really are kids. And that's sort of sweet, and something I often forget.

    This young lady above just makes me smile. Her earnest attempts at offering advice is so sweet and silly and it's no wonder none of them can pass my tests! But, shit, she's in there swinging, and she's even trying to help.

    Maybe my own romantic nature has gotten the better of me today - it is spring like outside - but I'm going to try to picture my own students in front of their webcams, as they really are in their own little world, and I'm going to try to cut them a break.

    I mean at least until they cheat on that final.

  3. Gotta get me some of those Old People pencils.

  4. For my part, I don't think these videos should be posted here. I can see imbedding them. But by copying them, relabeling them and then hosting them, we make it that much harder for these students to get them off the net later. That is a HUGE problem that the younger generation is going to face - controlling information about themselves. Some 30, 40 or 50 year olds may like the things they did when they were 15 or 20 or 25 published. Many will not. This young lady might never have an issue with this video at all. I don't find it particularly incriminating. But she might find herself in a context in ten years where she wants to take it down. Now, not only is it very difficult for her to take down, at least one of the copies has been hijacked and re-labeled in a context of mockery, making it all the worse.

    I hope that if she contacts CM with a request to have it removed that such a request be respected.

    Note: We may think that videos which do not reveal the names of those filmed are safe. So many video blogs are "anonymous." That is only because current technology only searches for text. Image searches are still very crude or rely on text association. Soon, however, search engines will correlate text with biometric data and if this young lady's picture is ANYWHERE online with her real name, this video will appear when her name is entered as a search term. Maybe some techy profs here can give us a time estimate. Three years? Five? Ten?

  5. @AdjunctSlave

    by all means don't post the videos on your own page then. what have you ever written here besides comments? I think comments should be closed only to people who are registered.

    then that make me get off my ass and regsiter.

    then look out!

  6. @ Morose -

    I'm not sure what I've done to deserve the question about what I've ever posted. After all, I've put up more than one story that got a lot of attention, including one long piece just yesterday. But what difference does it make? I only suggested that we imbed the student videos or at least comply if and when the students request them to be taken down.

  7. @A.Slave, I checked the page source and the video is an embedded link to YouTube. If and when the young lady takes the video down from YouTube, it will no longer show up here, either.

  8. @ASlave and Introvert.

    Actually the video is on my old Rate Your Students page. It's a 2 minute edit of a 15 minute original.

    I understand AdjunctSlave's comment, and will take down the video if it's offensive to her or anyone else.

    My apologies.

  9. @ -
    Yes, it is embedded, but the title and the intro show that it has been manipulated by CM. A YouTube user named "rateyourstudents" posted the video. I can't find the original on YouTube, but it might be there somewhere. Or perhaps RYS got it from another site, like MetaCafe or something.

  10. This came up on RYS lots, too. I see what AdjunctSlave is saying, but it is just an edit of a public video. You can see my car on Google StreetView. Who do I see about that?

  11. @ Cal -
    I didn't think it was offensive at all. I was just concerned about the student's future information control.


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