Friday, May 13, 2011

I am worried about my grade

If this was already posted on CM in December, I apologize. But I had a similar conversation this week.


  1. I almost fell over when he asked for extra-credit for attending class.

  2. I know I have seen this one before. But, oh boy, is it a classic!

    And ain't it amazing how so many of us have had this exact same conversation? Across countries. Across disciplines. At all sorts of schools.

    30 years ago, Mr. Gimme Extra Credit would have been told to shut up and go away (often quite literally!), but now everyone has to pussyfoot around the nonsense if they want to keep their jobs (or just keep the peace if tenured).

  3. "The final essay was supposed to be 4 pages long. How much did you get done?"

    "I think I did a page and a half."

    That's the part I don't get. I see it all the time. Hardly anyone gives me even the minimum necessary for a decent showing. Token efforts abound. And they don't learn anything. Or get good grades. Or learn that they're not getting good grades.

    I don't get it.

  4. I'm having two of these conversations with students right now because I was "nice" enough to give them their final exam score before the curve is decided upon.

  5. I hate that "getting credit for attendance" b.s., too.

  6. I am so living this one right now. Someone ought to make a video about the "I can't take the exam on the exam date even though the exam schedule has been posted for a year because I am going on a vacation you can't afford to go on."

  7. @ncb:
    No excuse for that one.

    I've had that, too; one just this past semester.

    A family vacation is NOT an acceptable reason for changing an exam time. I don't care whether you planned it before the semester began or not. You're responsible for being in class on days attendance is required, and exam days qualify.


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