Sunday, May 15, 2011

Well they do yawn loudly though. Yes, they do! Don't they? Today's VidShizzle.


  1. What an idiot. Wasting class time with that nonsense just makes you look like an insecure jerk.

  2. Sorry EMH, I think we nailed this one is fun to see the guy freak out and slip into Heinrich "Gestapo" Meuller mode.

  3. He sounds more like John Boehner to me.

    Anyway, I too think this guy over-reacted. Thought I would post this, since it seemed intriguing, and I wondered what the rest of you thought about it.

    Honestly, if it was such a loud yawn, how come it didn't pick up in the video.

    There are students out there who deliberately yawn loudly in class. I had one about a couple of years ago when I was teaching Linear Algebra. He was a highschool teacher too!

  4. I confess: If I were the students, I'd be yawning loudly from every corner of the room from now on...

  5. I think a brief, arch, "Seriously?" would probably have sufficed, but I can sympathize.

  6. I'm yawning watching this thing.

  7. I usually say something like "I am NOT that boring!" and move on.

  8. I would probably just ignore it in a giant lecture class, especially if I couldn't tell who had done it, but in a smaller class I sometimes stop, stare at the offender, and say "I know it's *really hard*, but do try to stay awake for the next _____ minutes."

  9. I used to just fall asleep when students came to office hours. But then they started writing things on my forehead...

  10. I am a centimeter away from this proffie's behavior most days in class. I wish I could let it go sometimes.

    I completely understand his frustration, and I don't think he's shown a weakness by his little tantrum. It looks like I might be in the minority on this one, but...jesus...have you ever taught in a large room like that? It's a pain when someone disrupts it, even with a loud yawn.

    Every day I want to throw someone out of class.


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