Friday, July 8, 2011

Really? This is worthy news?

Ok, I read TUAW - the "Apple" blog. I admit it. This post went a little too far into Snowflakedom. I need a beer. Oh wait. I have one...


  1. Some people don't know Watts from Ohms from Amps so this bit o' fluff is IMPORTANT INFORMATION.

  2. Don't like to double post, but Comrade Site Manager, I like the banner....the guy looking cross-eyed in spitting, spastic rage just fits this site.

    Yes, I like the Moon. These avatar pictures being as small as they are, the simpler the image, the better.

  3. the old IT joke was to tell a user that they "need to adjust the electrical interface" instead of saying "you didn't plug it in dummy!"

  4. Wow--that's what I've been doing wrong all this time: expecting that my students are plugged in when, clearly, they're using the wrong adaptor!


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