Friday, August 19, 2011

The Interwebs is Magic.

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[–]montyy123 11 points  ago
How much does the personality or student's interest affect the student's grade?
[–]okedoke[S] 24 points  ago
Personality - nothing. Interest - could be a letter grade bump, if it's earnest and it looks like there's effort involved.
[–]TheManWithNoName11 11 points  ago
I had a professor tell me that she has authority over me. Do you feel you're an authority figure to your students?
[–]okedoke[S] 22 points  ago
I try to help my kids find a passion in their field, and then support them along the way. The truth is that an able minded person can learn most of what I teach on their own. This is the college conundrum. So, to try to create value, I focus on opening doors for the kids that are passionate about my subject area. You can ace my class by putting in work, you can get a job in the field by showing you care. That's what I'm trying to build, anyway. Wow, that was cheeseball.
[–]TheManWithNoName11 5 points  ago
That's good. I guess I was just asking whether you were one of those douche teachers with an ego problem
[–]okedoke[S] 18 points  ago
Ask my wife... Douche with an ego problem, prolly.
[–]NGARV 1 point  ago
Profs do have authority over you. Why would you think she has a big ego for stating something fairly obvious.


  1. I thought we had agreed that we would STOP just posting links. I don't come here for links to idiotic pages.

    I come here for original academic discussion. And there is nary a bit of that today.

  2. Troy, no one's making you read the link posts, and no one agreed to any such thing.

  3. I come here for smackdowns written by clever people much wittier than myself.

    And this isn't "just a link"; there's enough to discuss. On that note:

    Damn straight I'm an authority figure. If I didn't know more than my students about basketweaving in particular and college in general, why would anyone take my class? Also, my job duties include managing student discussions to use classroom time effectively; enforcing lab safety rules; and directing classroom evacuations during emergencies. If I don't assert my authority, I'm shirking my responsibilities.

    On the other hand, I've never been a douche teacher. All I teach is basketweaving.

  4. Well gee Troy, we left the bacon off your sandwich did we? Well, this ain't no bloody McDonald's so STFU.

    Regarding authority:

    Dipshit Dean at Lead Poisoning CC once told me directly that I had no authority. God forbid you back an Adjunct. What are they afraid of?


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