Friday, August 19, 2011

Recent Visitor Map. Deleted.

I received nearly a dozen requests to pull the map for a variety of privacy and anonymity concerns.

Two writers said: "If someone at my college sees a pin in our town, it's not much a leap to discover that it's me who's viewing the page, and commenting about how miserable my school is. But I NEED this job," and "This page is always prying into our identities, and by showcasing my location and the fact that I'm a reader of the page, you put my career in jeapordy!"

I thought the map was interesting. It didn't occur to me that reading this page was problematic for some. I apologize to those who were troubled by the map's publication.



  1. So much for privacy and anonymity. This page continues to out its members. Luckily I comment through open relays only. Why not just publish everyone's IP address and a faculty photo?

    This qualifies as post of the week, I bet, considering the rest of the trash.

  2. don't feed him, please don't feed him.

  3. This is not about this guy actually, but about any of the past "trolls," and indeed trolls and assholes all over the internet.

    I may be missing something, but what pleasure do they derive from coming to a site and pissing on it? That honest_prof guy, Tim (Not Jim), etc. They seemed to love to dismiss the page. They'd stick around enough to get some "feedback," and then huff off grandly.

    What is it that's fun about that for them?

  4. Very high density around Miami U, Ohio. But nobody in Russia. So we can guess Strelnikov's actual location.

    And nobody in Arizona?

    What's going on?

  5. No pin on my general location, so it's obviously made up.

    Which also explains the lack of a Strelnikov pin, although he could be hard to pin down.

  6. It only shows a brief period of time, and only the most recent 100 visitors.

    It was from early this morning, and only intended for fun. I hope nobody loses their job over it.

  7. I was logging in from South America for a while on my research trip. Might have been me, not an actual South American.

  8. If Strelnikov is not running through an anonymizer, then I am incredibly disappointed.

  9. Yee Haw! I am batting .1000: I miss ALL the drama. Always. Every-freakin' time.

  10. Mrs. C, you missed no drama. The map showed a hundred little pin points on a map of the WORLD. it was 4 inches across. You couldn't tell if a pin was in Ohio, Michigan, or maybe one of the Dakotas. It was interesting to see which foreign countries had readers (many in western Europe; none in South America.)

    It sounds like some readers thought this was an invasion of privacy.

    There was an earlier brouhaha like this that was equally incomprehensible to me.

  11. I guess I'm mystified that anyone would imagine that a pin on their town could possibly out them. How many faculty at your college? 150? 200? 700? And how many students? 3,000? 5,000?

    I know the fucking world revolves around your sorry ass, but that you would sit around and imagine that given a single data point--someone at your college viewed this page--the other 4,000-6,000 people in the room would turn as one and point at you... Well, to be frank, pathological narcissism doesn't quite seem to cover it. Borderline personality? Plain old stoooopid?

    And Darla... dishonest_prof, Jim, Not Jim, Troy with the axe handle up his ass... are all the same guy.

  12. "And Darla... dishonest_prof, Jim, Not Jim, Troy with the axe handle up his ass... are all the same guy."

    If that is true, then this creature needs a reward. I propose the formation of an Iron Cross of Super Trolling; the award itself would be a reproduction WWII Iron Cross with the swastika removed and the letters "ST" in KISS font in the center so he/she/it can proudly march down the street....and be pelted with eggs by elderly Zionists.

  13. This map, previous posts about our readers, and clues from CM members themselves have led me to create database that has identified 94% of this page's commenters. Negotiations with Gordo broke down because he didn't believe I have the goods. Well, here they are. Read 'em and weep, suckas.

    99% of you are college or university faculty.
    Of those, 100% work for a college or university.
    99% can be classified, by biological or social constructs, as either male or female.
    Every single one of you has access to a computer.

    Had enough? I would continue to out the CM members but Academic Monkey's post was pretty funny. I'm satisfied with the damage I've done so far. Satisfied, for now. Gordon knows my demands and he can reach me at any time. I hope we can move past the impasse in our negotiations so that more CM members can avoid any further invasion of privacy.

  14. I capitulate.

    I am sending you the map to the hideout.

    Gordon Presto
    Dean of Deniability

  15. (Evil laughter)

    My IP address lies about my location!

    (/Evil laughter)

  16. And another thing. No green M&Ms!

  17. @BB: Are you an M&M colorist? How would you like it if CMers discriminated against chemists?

    @Gordon: Can you use that $.47 that CM received from Amazon today to start an affirmative-action program for green (and maybe yellow and blue, too) M&Ms? They deserve equal rights and a level playing field. Why do red M&Ms always get all the special attention and perks? It is not fair. Some of my best M&Ms are green.

  18. This is just... infuriating.
    It's 2011, Ben.
    You're an educator.
    You should know better.

  19. SB, that was an excellent haiku. I am moved to accept all colors of M&Ms, including green.

  20. One day, BB, you may need a favor from one of the heads of the five families (the Incredible Hulk, Kermit the Frog, Shrek, the Jolly Green Giant, and Yoda).

    They will remember you for this. Yes, they will remember the goodness in your heart.


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