Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Cold Classroom Creates Snowflakes

Dear Snowflakes,

Please stop complaining about the temperature in the classroom.  I realise that 73 can be a bit cold, but I've done all I can to address the issue.  The school has locked me out of the temperature controls, and the maintenance guy is getting ready to "meth-out" on me the next time we leave the room door open.  Maintenance will take care of the air-conditioner when they get good and ready to.  In the mean-time, bring a sweater to class like I've been suggesting the last five times that you have complained.



P.S.  The next snowflake who tells me that I should have put a parka in the syllabus is gonna get bitch slapped.  Just sayin'.


  1. Next time those little motherf*@kers complain, tell them about Occupied Germany in 1946, where the students of the University of Mainz had to rebuild their classrooms in order to be taught...and they did it in the snow! Afghan children today learn out in open, even if it is cold, thanks to burecratic ineptitude.

    70-something in the classroom = First world problem.

  2. Who the hell thinks 73 degrees is cold? People who live in a volcano?

  3. They're either a class of Floridian retirees or too dumb to bring a sweater to class. Do they REALLY have to be TOLD to do that? Never mind, I remember a student showing up in shorts in winter and shivering her way through class last year... "But my room was warm," she whined plaintively.

  4. I wish my classrooms were that cold...

  5. I had an incident in my last semester (Jan-Apr) where one classroom was perpetually cold - I had to keep my winter coat and scarf on. I wore boots as well (due to snow) and my feet were still cold. Our wonderful Prof told us he had complained numerous times to the V.P. Academic who said he would have the problem resolved. When it wasn't after two weeks, I fired off an articulate, polite email to the same V.P. explaining the situation and how being uncomfortably cold in a classroom was not conducive to learning. He said the problem would be resolved but it never was. Had I not graduated in April, I would have been on his case again this year. But, hell, 73 degrees in air conditioning? That's tropical where I live!

  6. I would be happy with 73. My classroom was 69 today. I actually took a thermometer to check because it was so cold. My nose was running it was so cold.


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