Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Today's VidShizzle: Where Some Pac-10 Kids Snort Strawberry Pixie Stix.


  1. Why do I watch these?!? I think that I want to quit.

  2. i don't know how cal sits through all of those, but I'm glad he does. they are always tiny, perfect renderings of the modern student we all love and hate...

    that the one young woman gets a tattoo that says "hope" in latin and then her pal says it reads "slut in Roman" says it all to me.

    thanks, cal

  3. I wish I had a camera back in the day. Although we never snorted Pixie Stix.

    God love Cal for his research.

  4. I can only hope that now that the conference has expanded to become the PAC 12, the students will become even smarter.

    Thanks, Cal! These always make me snort the tequila back out my nose :0).

  5. only 6 hits all day. ridiculous. I read Dean Dad, and New Kid onthe Hallway an they have thousands of hits every day.

    why? because they write good and useful material, and take being an academic seriously. the small group here is rife with whiners and slackers.

    the stink of failure is all over this place.


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