1. Our administration has moved a crucial meeting three different times now. I'm involved in a presentation team that will provide important information at said meeting. As the lead person, guess who gets to notify everyone, yet again, that the meeting is now on a different day and time? I know it's not my fault, yet some of my idiot colleagues are treating me as if I'm the one making these arbitrary changes.
2. My students are working on a research project. The project clearly states what they need to do. As an incentive to get them to work, I've required them to turn in parts ahead of time to get feedback up to a certain point. Now I'm getting whining that they "didn't know" they'd have to do more than the parts I made them turn in early. I even got every professor's favorite line: "Others feel the same way." If that's true, let them take the time to whine on their own. You're not the designated hitter for class bitching.
3. In the same class with the research project due, a student had the nerve to ask me to reopen all the quizzes he missed (which was all but one) because even though the opening and closing dates are clearly posted on the class calendar, he was just "too busy" and time "got away" from him. I have a no late work policy. This student has already challenged me once on it and gotten a big, fat "Hell, no."
4. I'm in charge of a college-wide research project. Part of our group's task was to develop a survey for faculty. The task force vetted the questions. We already have a response rate of over 60%. One colleague emailed me yesterday to tell me she hadn't received the survey yet. I sent it out. Professor Snowflake emailed me back stating she didn't like the questions and now wants me to pull the whole survey and redo them to her liking. The deadline for completing the survey is a couple of hours from now.
5. I serve on yet another committee which must write a major report. Of the multiple members, only two of us have done anything at all. I sent out a plea for help yesterday. My mailbox in that regard is empty. Maybe all the other crap from #1-4 filled it up so much that there was no room for the legions of volunteers to respond.
I can't believe it's only midterm and I'm this burnt out. I am so glad that most of this committee work will be over in a couple of weeks, but I'm sure the snowflakes will keep piling up regardless.
DH for class bitching!!! I love it!
ReplyDelete#4: Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a pollster! I know exactly how you feel. Believe me. Go have a beer, or run, or throw some darts somewhere.
ReplyDelete"Designated hitter for class bitching" is the most clever phrase I've heard in a while. Bravo.
ReplyDeleteI thought that designated hitter thing was funny too. What's not funny though, is when they do that "Others feel the same way" nonsense.
ReplyDeleteDo what many of the rest of us do, help yourself to a good stiff drink.