Saturday, December 3, 2011

Sawyer Flashes Us Back.

Tis the sesaon for nostalgia, housekeeping, and blah, blah, blah. I was going through my email and found this missive I sent to RYS. It seems apropos for this time of year.

Please to enjoy...
Sawyer in Student Services


"When the sad day comes to pull the plug on RYS please re-post Reno from Raleigh (April 27, 2009) as the epilogue. His post is the epitome of all things RYS: snowflakes, snark, and smackdown all tied up with a pretty, pink pedagogical bow."


  1. Thanks, Sawyer. Great read, and I like "pretty, pink pedagogical bow".

    Can I borrow that now and again?

  2. That's inspirational.

  3. Love it. Stealing it. Using it next semester.

  4. While I was an instructor, I taught some of my courses several times. I held on to the exams that I prepared and, eventually, started putting copies of some of them on reserve in the institution's library.

    I made sure that the students knew about those old exams. They could borrow them for a limited time, during which they could make photocopies if they wished. That way, they knew what to expect, including what sort of questions I'd ask.

    Over the years, I had accumulated enough old exams that I used questions from them for preparing the finals. Any students who were diligent and actually looked at those old exams would have recognized those questions and maybe even figured out what to put down for the solutions. That way, there were few surprises and nobody could claim I didn't test them on something I didn't cover in the course.

    Sure enough, after a final exam was over, there was bound to be somebody who complained about it being too long or too hard. I'd usually remind them of the old exams on reserve but he or she would either claim they didn't know about them or they weren't useful because I didn't provide the answers.

    Afterwards, I'd wonder why I even bothered.


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