Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Finals Crap.

Hello CM, 

You should post these facebook statuses in a blog post for me.  Yes, the statues are from facebook "friends" who are undergrads. 



I've been in college for 5 years and I'm still not very good at studying. Maybe that's why it's taken 5 years? lol.
  • Story of my life! I'm supposed to be studying but I guess catching up on The New Girl is more important. Here comes 5 more years @ [big state uni]. :) 
  • All my classes SUCK this year lol
  • I know what you mean. I can be good at it when I really work, but this semester = nearly 0 motivation :(

The next 24 hours will decide .4 of my GPA. MUST STAY MOTIVATED!

Why is the weather so beautiful before finals! WHY!!!! This is SO cruel!

I really suck at studying.

Geeked up from the feet up. getting ready to rock some finals.

erryday i'm studyin'.....

studying. all night. -____-

Thoughts of "I'll wake up super early and do the second half of this before class" are starting to fill my head.

I seriously need to sleep... soon. Ahhh! but there's no more time! Finals are coming. Better be strong! Where's my coffee? D: #Study time... all night long! :{

The guy I'm sitting next to in the library just farted and blamed it on me. Da fck just happened??!!! -_____-

What the heck is wrong with people? If you are in the library turn off your text notifications and your ringtones. Oh, and don't answer your phone........................ Since we little kids we were taught that libraries are quiet--what has happened?!#*$&*%

concentrate...concentrate...concentrate! 3 more dayssss!

Can't wait to graduate, Move out, get married to my love... And be part of the real world. So over school and being a student. Not to long left though :)

So much homework to do today! but this weekend was worth it to put it off

10 page paper turned to 15 pages! And its done! With 4 hours to spare (and 2 hours of sleep!)! I am amazed at my procrastination....I need to quit that.

I learn nothing from procrastinating if I do well. lol. [Basket Weaving] 301 research paper, take that!

I don't understand why people buy special alarm clocks that play noises to help them fall asleep, just listen to my differentials professor.....it's worked pretty well on half my class.


  1. I actually really like this post-- some are keeners, some are slackers, but a very real glimpse of the POV. Easy to forget life on that side of the podium. (Sorry; admission-- I still like most of the students as humans even when they fuck up academically)

    1. I remember staying up all night to write papers. Or, more accurately, starting papers at 4 am that were due at 8. Such are the benefits of being 20.

      What concerns me is the students who don't see the necessity of pulling the occasional all-nighter. I get so many who clearly left everything until the last minute--and then threw up their hands and turned off the computer when the magic didn't happen. "I just couldn't think of what to write" or "It was late" or "I had a flat tire yesterday" etc. are the excuses I hear as they hand in half a page. (And yet still expect to get some kind of credit or second chance.)

  2. Can't wait to graduate, Move out, get married to my love... And be part of the real world. So over school and being a student. Not to long left though :)

    I'd love an update from this student two years from now.

  3. These are great! I'm glad my students are not on my Facebook, though. :o)

    Just got an email from a student who 'graduated' last quarter (finished all courses, at least) asking why we never told them how hard the 'real world' is and how being a student was WAY easier than having to find a job, work, etc. Hah--I reminded her of all the times we DO tell them this, but they don't want to hear it.

  4. Ha, yes, I was thinking: what part of "never Facebook friend your students" does guest poster Atua not understand?

  5. Frog and Toad: they are not my current or former students. I am a 1st year graduate student, so I still have connections from my undergraduate university and from all over the country.


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