Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Public Service Announcement


Excuse me, may I have your attention, please?

[brief squawk of feedback]

For the love of Zarquon's Bombillating Xylophone, people,

Wouldja PLEASE

Put your Tea Partying name

on your Tea Partying Test paper.

Preferably, before you hand it in.

Thank You.



  1. Or the ones who don't put their names on a Scantron sheet.

  2. Oh I dunno, we had to take a course called "Handwriting Analysis" at my graduate program! Didn't you?

  3. when one student neglects to write any identifying information on their exam booklet and scantron sheet, not a big problem but it is a hassle, as it takes some time to figure out the missing name from the exam sign-in sheets. when more than one student forgets to give their info, sh*t hits the fan. I give them zero, post the marks, and wait for them to trickle in to my office.

    1. I tell people upfront, usually in the context of the first assignment, that failure to put your name on something is a 5-point deduction. If two people do it, both of them get zero points. It doesn't usually happen more than once.

    2. I tried introvert.prof's strategy back when I was untenured at Jobfromhell U. It was cited as evidence in a departmental evaluation that I did not respect the students.

    3. Yes, I do love where I teach in spite of the fact that our students are not nearly as well-prepared as we claim they are.

  4. Or the ones that put their name as Jenny W.
    I ask them if this is kindergarten, and if so, when is naptime?

  5. Also Zarquon's Bobmilating xylophone is crying out for a crappy graphic.

    Here's some stock to get somebody with 'shooping skillz started...

  6. This is the first term that I became aware of this problem, from other complaining professors.

    I have a strict "No name / no grade" rule. It's the 4th line on my syllabus and I say it early in the term. I made the policy as a grad student and I found the enforcement has never had to happen after my first semester of teaching.

    No name, no grade. You are not a detective.

  7. This is the greatest blurry graphic I've ever seen.

    1. Agreed! (Can we start a Graphic of the Week in addition to POW, or would that be too fancy?)

    2. Indeed. The worst and the best all at once.


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