Thursday, December 5, 2013

Today's Twits: Evaluation Day! Not Even Cookies Will Save Some Proffies.


  1. Good grief. Terry P. retweeted a bunch of "kill my professor" tweets today. Chilling. Some, of course, are just off-hand hyperbole, but there was a lunacy in some of them. I really feel like this profession has gotten way off center.

  2. A student once wrote: "If Dr. Cynic had bothered to bring us cookies, I might have rated this class higher."

    Mostly, my policy is: eat all the cookies!

  3. ... marijuana morning glory ginger cookies... Give the students about twenty minutes to digest before you hand out the evaluation forms.....

    1. Hahahahahahahaha! "Like"

      Stoning butter is also hard to taste, and sneaks up on you in about the same time.

    2. Ha, this is what I fear my students will put in cookies they give to me! Looky looky how nice Prof Charlotte Anne is after those "medicinal" brownies!

    3. I learn so much and get great joy from this community. :)

  4. This is why I don't do cookies for students. It doesn't change a goddamn thing and it makes you look like a giant idiot.

    Plus, I'm a TA who makes no money. Why the fuck would I spend any amount of money on my students? They should be bringing me cookies.

    1. They should be bringing you money for the used Tokarev pistol you need to have to keep them in line.

      Always keep the first round a blank, so you can say "the next one is solid lead. Any f@#king questions?"

  5. Oh hell! You don't bring in treats the same day in spite what some actual research says. Bring in treats a class or two before. They'll still be in a good mood, but most are too stupid to see a connection.

    After Halloween, I always find a bag of candy that someone else left behind in a computer cabinet and pass it around. That way, I didn't bring them in as a bribe, we're just stealing and that puts everyone in a good mood for evals.


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