Sunday, February 14, 2016

I don't know how you'd categorize this one...

Can a Fitbit distinguish between cross-fit and carnal knowledge? It doesn't matter, says Oral Roberts University (ORU) officials, because they won't be scanning data for signs of student coitus anyway. The school now requires that all of its incoming students use (and pay for) Fitbit trackers during the spring semester. That caused some speculation that the devices could invade students' privacy, particularly since they can be used to monitorsexual activity. However, the school says it isn't using the devices to enforce its code of conduct forbidding pre-marital sex.


  1. I think fitness (or wellness, or well-being, or even happiness -- as if that were a fit or even possible ultimate goal for human beings; even the Declaration of Independence says "the pursuit of happiness") is fast replacing cleanliness as that thing that is next to godliness.

    In fact, in many places (but presumably not ORU), fitness is fast replacing godliness (or related virtues such as faith, piety, or even secular variants such as kindness) as a primary life goal (or perhaps, to be fair, the life goal which enables/shapes/underlies all others).

    Heaven help those of us who espouse hierarchies of value in which taking the best care one can of oneself and one's body certainly plays a role, but only as a means to other ends.

  2. This and the previous post would be so much better as a grand combo post --- can a Fitbit distinguish between a professor riding a student hard and students riding each other hard?


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