
I have also talked to my friends, in the affluent town we live in, to demand fair treatment of adjuncts etc.
Now here is my question. I am really hot for one of her instructors. Divorced adjunct. I am a couple of years younger than he is (but I realize he spends all day with snowflakes. sigh.), but I am relatively well of (by affluent standards, which means great house paid for, many investments and Wall Street Job).
Any ideas as to how I can aproach him, on no committment basis. Many thanks.
Hey Fab,
ReplyDeleteAre you angling to get eHarmony to buy this site? Genius!
Ben, if I can bring people together...then I know my time on the planet has been worthwhile!
ReplyDeleteYou're asking romance advice from *this* bunch!?!
ReplyDeleteI forsee him turning her down on the basis of grammar alone.
ReplyDeleteOoops, foresee. People in glass houses, I guess, and all that.
ReplyDeleteI think we need more details. Which college? Which discipline? Would the rich lady care to leave her contact info and perhaps a photo? Is she sure about this "no commitment" clause?
ReplyDeleteGiven an adjunct's employment status, a personal relationship with no commitment shouldn't be an issue.
ReplyDeleteGet a large box. Prop it up with a stick. Get a bottle of beer. Tie it to the stick. When the adjunct goes for the beer, the stick will fall and the box will come down on him and he's yours!
ReplyDeleteI saw it on a cartoon once.
Well, I see no helpful comments. Merely, he teachers History at a large flagships state U. My daughter took his class over the summer and recieved an A (which I guess from reading this means she attended and handed in her own work?).
ReplyDeleteMy name is not Pam. Actually that is one of my best friends -- who is a bona fide cougar. And red dresses and short hair are so last year. or last century. Not to mention, anyone on Wall Street either has 3 screens on their desk or a laptop (or both).
I'm just curious as to how a parent would meet their kid's college instructor as I earned two degrees, working on a third, and at no time have my parents or any other family member met any of my professors. My family's local, so it's not a matter of distance. I just can't imagine a situation where my professors would want or need to meet my parents or vice-versa. As far as how to approach, the time-honored technique of asking him out for a drink might work.
ReplyDeleteHe needed a ride on a day when I was picking up daughter, and she offered him a ride.
My parents met my PhD adviser at an awkward dinner at an Indian restaurant after my PhD defense. I didn't mind since the food and beer were on my father. The first rule of grad school is never turn down free beer.