Thursday, April 14, 2011

A Surprise New Correspondent....coming soon...

One of my fave RYSers has just joined up...she'll be here soon...

ps: it's not katie...


  1. Ooooh, suspense. I hope it's the Bitchy Bear of Boston! I guess it can't be Mid Career Mike since you say "she" above, but I wish he'd return, too.

    Is it Dana from Decatur? Oh, maybe Tina from Topeka, the nursing student? She cracked me up. I always assumed she might "really" be a proffie who was channeling a "favorite" student.

    Anyway, can't wait!

  2. Oh, you had my hopes up. We need somebody like Katie around here - we'd be so busy making fun of her that we might stop aggrevating each other. She's a uniter.

  3. Please, oh please, let it be Dana from Decatur!

    She's one angry adjunct who spoke to my heart and felt the pain! She must have a few semesters of spleen to vent.


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