Thursday, April 14, 2011

Strippers in Class? La Salle University Proffie Suspended
3 Women in Bikinis Allegedly Give Professor Lap Dance During Business Ethics Seminar

A La Salle University professor, Jack Rappaport, has been suspended for allegedly hiring strippers to give lap dances at an extra-credit seminar on business ethics.

Rappaport was in the front of the classroom and three bikini-clad and miniskirted women were on top of him giving him a lap dance, according to Brad Bernardino, a sophomore at La Salle who attended the March 21 session. At various other times, Bernardino added, the strippers gave willing students lap dances, and a PowerPoint presentation related to business ethics ran in the background.

"I think everybody was in shock that it happened," Bernardino said.



  1. Did the university pay for said strippers under "research expenses?" I don't care what you do. I care who pays for it.

  2. I would comment, but the level of irony involved has caused my head to explode.

    Instead, I may just point to this article (found via BoingBoing) that suggests that the whole MBA business is a bit of a scam in the first place :

    My experience both in and out of academia suggests that you don't have to actually get an MBA to pick up on the culture of spewing bullshit in meetings and thinking that that means you're doing something. Not all University administration is like that, but certainly a substantial fraction of it seems to be...!

  3. Who got the extra credit - the strippers or the students in the audience?

  4. pics or it didn't happen.....

    seriously, WTF? Who though that was a good idea?!!?!!?

  5. So, what's the title of the seminar, "Business Ethics" or "The Ethics of Getting the Business During Class Time"?

  6. Did the university pay for said strippers under "research expenses?" I don't care what you do. I care who pays for it.

    According to the linked article, the students paid $150 each for it. Attendance was worth extra-credit points.

    That there is unethical per se.

  7. "What happened to those boring lectures we're used to?... I fell asleep in class."

    Oh Fox news, how I hate thee!

  8. "According to the linked article, the students paid $150 each for it. Attendance was worth extra-credit points.

    That there is unethical per se."

    I didn't even notice that part. The whole story is surreal.

    When I clicked on the link, I expected to read something like, "The strippers were brought in to illustrate the eroticism of Plato's Charmides" or some remotely understandable reason like that.

    At least the thing with the "fucksaw" had some kind of ostensible educational value.

  9. I don't wish to cast aspersions on an entire discipline (well, maybe...), but today's NY Times also had an interesting article about the lameness of undergrad business degrees. Here's the link:

  10. Business professors are academics, too. And we are here.

    I agree that this demonstrates an egregious lack of taste and a waste of resources - but clearly, business schools are not the only schools with this problem.

    Finally, with respect to comments about business ethics: don't be so snarky. Investigate some: CSR matters greatly to many of us and is part of a substantial debate in business academics. Face it: virtually everyone - including you here - is involved in business so this affects all.

  11. @ Dr. Mindbender,

    The NYT article wasn't saying that business proffies are lame, just business students. It specifically opened with an anecdote that said that a business proffie had to dumb down his class, compared to 15 years ago, because otherwise all the students would flunk.

    The article also said that the average business student doesn't do his homework. Well, it's not that much better in the sciences, and I'm right here to tell you that.

    The whole thing sounds like a rather familiar lament, right here in River City.

  12. Well, Wacko Jacko Rappaport certainly went out with a bang....with luck he'll wind up being those strippers' boss because his time in academia is OVER.


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