Sunday, September 15, 2013

What to Do? A Special Sunday Thirsty.

Hey CM, It's been awhile, I know. The summer got a bit out of hand. Long story short, my path through adjuncting led me to a full time, tenure-track position. Apart from a chair who is crazy, things are unfolding quite well. Let's just say I've learned to be seen and not heard around the department.

However, I've been thinking about the post by Krabby Kathy last week.  I'm a full timer, but I'm not interested in having my ring (or anything else) kissed. I used to be there myself, and it was only luck of the draw that I ended up full time.

Q: What can I do as a new faculty member to help out our hardworking adjuncts? Please remember that 1) my chair is crazy, 2) I don't have any authority over decisions of workload and salary, and 3) my chair is crazy.



  1. Just let us know when sh*t is coming our way. I went into a faculty meeting that came after the full timer only one and heard a discussion about how "part-timers are going be in a panic when this happens." It was said with smiles and giggles; yet, it was several weeks before I knew what it was about. In reality, they could have told us that day as it was nothing more than a scheduling change that affected when some classes were offered.

    In short, if it matters to the part-timers, tell us.

  2. I agree with SB above. Plus, be nice to the adjuncts. Introduce yourself. It's lonely in adjunct world.

    When I adjuncted for the first half of my career, on half the campuses, I never knew where anything was or where to get shit done on each campus. I didn't know who was a prof and who was a student worker (sometimes it was hard to tell), how to use the copy machine (granted, no one knew that), or what was expected of me (especially with a crazy chair who expects you to read his thoughts).

    Ask the chair to leave keys for adjuncts in places where they can get to them. I often taught at night when everyone else was gone. The office was locked up. As an adjunct, I wasn't allowed to have a key and the security guard had to let me in.

    In general, make yourself known as friendly and helpful to adjuncts so they know who to ask for help. Sometimes the dept. secretary is the worst person to ask for help because s/he is doing the chair's job and is overworked.

  3. Especially if they're in your field, ask about their work. Alert them to opportunities in the field. Be a mentor of some kind.

  4. Thanks for these suggestions! I'm already good friends with most of the adjuncts but I'll continue to reach out.

  5. Be kind and respectful to the adjuncts. Too few other people are!

    (Your chair being crazy isn't really a valid excuse, since they come that way.)


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