Friday, April 29, 2016

Shall We Celebrate Santa Fe Sid?


  1. "Shall we celebrate Santa Fe Sid?"

    Yes, yes, we shall. And kudos to Crystal for the concatenation.

  2. Reading the "Individualized Instruction" article reminded me of an ex-student (or lost student) now sadly departed from my ivory tower; not withstanding that none of the details really match up.

    Call the student Chaise.

    I met hir in the closet that was serving as a lab space for the toy project a had a couple of students working on. Zhe had informally joined the project on the strength of knowing some practical skills the other students didn't; or perhaps on the strength of having confidence in hir practical skill that the other s lacked. I allowed the situation to persist, in part because I had gotten some useful training in my undergraduate days by informally joining a lab. (I even hear last month that the professor in charge of that lab remembered me, but then I had been willing to work late into the night—it was an astronomy project—had programming skill and worked well on a team. After a few weeks I made the arrangement "official", despite my misgivings.

    Three things strike people about Chaise shortly after meeting hir: zhe has considerable intelligence and potential; hir self-confidence probably outstrips that potential; and zhe has an enormous chip on hir shoulder. The last was the source of my misgivings because it makes hir a pain to be around, and it probably led to the incident in which the campus authorities questioned hir after complaints from another student who felt intimidated.

    Zhe left us shortly thereafter, indignant and unable to stomach working under the watchful eyes of an unrepentant administration. I'm afraid the incident will have merely enlarged that shoulder-perching chip and that zhe'll miss out on what could have been made of hir abilities.

    At least part of the blame belongs to Chaise hirself, but mostly it makes me sad.

    1. There is no other way that could have ended. I call that kind of student a "shooting star."

  3. The celebration information is very clear and understandable one. The clear cut data is available here. The dissertation writing service uk is making dissertation, articles, thesis papers etc

    1. The word "data" is plural. That you used it as a singular is perhaps the least of your fuck-ups. Anybody who pays for your services deserves what they get.

    2. Hmmm ... any excuse to link to Ph.D. comics:

      I certainly use data as a plural in formal contexts, but I don't ride people about it.

    3. I don't ride people about it, but bots and spammers are free game.

      I have discovered that I code switch, thus my use of data as singular or plural depends on audience and context.


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