I'm one of several former Rate Your Students readers who felt stranded when RYS closed the compound a few weeks ago. Anyway, I got College Misery going and have been helping folks get on the site so they could post their stuff. I'm not in charge, though!
I've gotten almost no mail at all from people, just the occasional request for an invite to get posting privileges. But in the last couple of days, four people have written in to offer feedback on the page. Here are their comments:
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I imagine that the biggest (and most depressing) job the Moderators at RYS had was picking what went up on the site. They had to slog through tens, if not hundreds, of emails to pick three or five per day. They had to read long, incomprehensible rants, unabashed navel-gazing, self promotion and general condescension to pull out a small handful of worthwhile entries. Those entries were (typically) well written, interesting, and worked together as a complementary unit.
Each day the Moderators crafted a palatable blend of posts for their hungry readers. A little sarcasm here, a little depression over here, a little more laughter and incredulity back there, and maybe some thoughtful reflection to cap it all off.
It wasn't all-hatred-all-the-time. It wasn't all shits and grins, either. Balance was key, friends. Balance.
And they didn't just balance tone. Length (no matter what you may tell yourselves to get to sleep at night) is important, too.
Sweet Christ, with unfettered access to this site, people are just letting it all hang out, as it were.
The latest three posts are perfect examples. Lex from Lakeland 's rant about Notme McInnoccent and The Meanest Professor Ever's belated bitch-fest about the office manager are about twice as long as they need to be. And the Arrogant Student? S/He's right. I stopped reading after the first paragraph where s/he at least had the decency to tell me it was going to be a long-winded, self indulgent post. So please, for the future of the site and the sake of your readers, keep it short. Keep it sweet. Don't assume that we want to read it just because you've written it.
And really, if there's a glut of earnest, heartfelt dreck already on the front page, maybe wait a little while before adding another turd to the pile, hmm?
~ - ~
The new blog is like Rate Your Students with an extra dose of bitter nastiness and very little of the wit. RYS featured pithy and amusing rants from academics; CM features boring long-winded complaints about things like an inefficient departmental secretary. Yawn. But the worst part is the open comments. Anyone who responds, even to express a modicum of sympathy, is ripped apart with nasty, bitchy comments. Here is a typical exchange:
Post: "Waah, waah, teaching sux, poor me."
Comment: "Oh, that sounds terrible, I pity you."
Response: "You are so clueless. If only your head wasn't up your ass."
It's like all the nasty ineloquent bitter types from RYS gravitated to CM, leaving behind the witty and genuinely amusing writers, so that CM consists of angry people who can't write and don't want advice or even sympathy, just a platform for boring rants and hateful remarks.
You've had a handful of good posts and you are just getting started, so I'm willing to give you a little more time to iron things out, but it would help if you had more contributors, because Arrogant Student and Meanest Professor Alive seem to be the only regulars, and all they do is whine and bitch without the capacity to make their bitching the slightest bit interesting. Maybe your policy of "anyone who wants to can post" is not so prudent. Quality is better than quantity.
~ - ~
Please make it stop. I was quite hopeful about the new blog, but after several consecutive days of reading, I can't believe how boring this all is. Does anyone know how to edit themselves? Seriously, could the people who post please try to imagine that readers want to read something interesting. Every piece feels as though the writer has thought, "I'll go with the 'more is more' notion, and just fill up a box with words. And because they're from ME, after all, the world will be waiting!"
I was convinced this blog would be a giant step forward from the iron fist of Rate Your Students, but I now understand the value of having moderators - even those tortured souls.
Nothing has made me appreciate Rate Your Students more than the first week or so of College Misery. And I will admit that I am surprised by that.
I posted something here already, and once it was up, I realized it was stupid and poorly wrought. It was up for 2 days, got a couple of yawny comments, and then I deleted it. I wish that 95% of the other posters here would have exercised that same control.
My own posted suffered exactly from College Misery's main disease, the one another writer here has so clearly diagnosed: humorlessness.
Why so dull? Why so boring? Well, my lousy post was carefully written, but not carefully edited. I just stewed all day about something, wrote it up, and posted it. Once it was up I thought, "Hmmm, that's exactly what I wrote. Won't a moderator help me edit out the stupid stuff, make it sing a little, get it in shape?"
And no, no one did. That's what happens when you have an unmoderated blog. All of us well-intentioned boobs can occasionally go long on the wind and short on the wit. Unless of course we realize other readers might be bored by pedestrian and modest attempts.
So, that's my fault, and I aim to be better in the future. What about you?
I think I largely agree with them, even--perhaps especially--those who criticize me. I'm heading out of town for a bit anyway and probably not to return to CM.
ReplyDeleteI feel bad for those at CM who are doing a good job. Especially Beaker Ben and Dr. Snarky. Wouldn't want my insufferable drivel to detract from what they are doing.
I'd guess that the folks over at RYS got their share of criticism, constructive and otherwise. Yes, we should all edit our work. I have not posted here yet, but if I do, I'll try to make it something people will enjoy reading.
ReplyDeleteAnd yet, I for one have already enjoyed many of the things that have been posted here. I only discovered RYS weeks before its demise. I have gone back to see what all the hoopla was about after reading the laments here about how poorly CM measures up to its predecessor, and I see that CM was very polished, funny, professional. That takes a lot of work; it was probably becoming a full time job. But what we have here is still so helpful. And these are things that I don't really discuss with my real life colleagues---at least not with this degree of honesty. It's truly a college water cooler now. Sometimes you have time and want to listen to the things being said; sometimes you don't. What seems like an annoying rant to one person may make another laugh. I am left wondering, if someone does not enjoy a particular post, why they devote so much extra energy into letting us all know that rather than simply skipping it?
Oh, Fab, you're a gem. I expected shit like this eventually.
ReplyDeleteMy reply to the mailbag as a too-frequent contributor:
If you don't like what's on TV (College Misery), pick up your remote and change the channel (don't read it).
Don't like a particular TV show (author on CM), then change the channel (skip their post).
Think the made-for-TV-movie is too long (post is long-winded), then don't watch it (don't read it).
Think the TV show is low quality (posts aren't to your taste), then don't watch it (stop reading it).
You are not some mind-numbed zombie who is being force-fed the web-site in some nefarious scheme to harsh your mellow.
Get a clue: the site isn't just run by the contributors. As with the other whiny little lame-ass critics, you can CONTRIBUTE!
Oh, but that's right...you probably are one of those whiny little knobs who can't write or has nothing to say or you know the comments section will be filled with people just as smart and experienced as you are telling you what a nutjob you are.
But, guess what, it's ok. We all need to be told we're nutjobs eventually.
Or are you punks too afraid to let the freak-flag fly?
Or are you just an adult snowflake whining that you're not being entertained and you want the performers to dance for you.
This is not RYS. Just like there, nobody's getting paid to do this. And if you don't like what's going on here, you're not chained to the web-site like you are your office at the U during office hours (if you have an office).
Apologies for being long-winded. It's my right and I took it.
And a P.S.: Fab Sun is just the point of contact. He has said MANY times he doesn't run the show. Why then, oh dear critics, are you sending him your angry rants? Why are you demanding someone do what you want or listen to you bitch about nonsense?
Why am I left wondering if these critics are the real problem with academia? They haven't a clue about how things work in different venues.
I welcome discussion.
I am a patient man. Good things do not always appear overnight.
ReplyDeleteA summary of some reflections on the first few weeks of CM:
ReplyDelete1. RYS definitely got hate mail. And loved posting it.
2. The site is new but is establishing some trends. Already, there are clearly recognizable personalities.
3. There seem to be many more members than people who have posted. Perhaps some of the best writers haven't yet contributed.
4. Hopefully, the writers here will get better as the blog ages. Perhaps they (we) won't.
5. Certainly, the posts that are up could use a more iterative writing process. (I am guilty here.)
6. Maybe the fall/winter term will bring out new/better posters or new/better fodder.
7. There doesn't seem to be much focus on the audience. (I am guilty of this.)
8. The posts are too long. (I am guilty of this.)
9. With the commenting, CM feels a lot more like a message board than a blog. There are some regular personalities, and they (we) all seem to just be having their (our) own conversations.
10. The comments themselves aren't very interesting. Perhaps they ought to be turned off. Those posters brave enough can put up their own (specially created) email addresses for hate mail.
11. Perhaps the readers ought to vote the least favorite writer off the blog every month. Kidding. Sort of.
12. Where are the vidshizzles? I spent some time looking for a few, got depressed and started playing a drinking game: one shot for "y'know," one shot for "stuff," two shots for "like." I woke up three days later and just posted some shitty rant to the site instead.
I'm not sure if I will post again, but if I do, these concerns will be weighing on me.
I have only gotten a tiny bit of email for the site, but those ones I posted earlier seemed to address some posts and comments, and the growth of the site. I thought it was valid to add their voices. I believe they sent the comments to me because they didn't want to take up post space with complaints and ideas about the site in general.
ReplyDeleteSo... How long will it be until CM has its first honest-to-goodness flame war in the comments?
ReplyDeleteI only ask because Meanie is really good at pushing my buttons, and presumably other people's as well.
I just wonder when somebody (perhaps even me) will give in and take the bait that's being waved so tantalizingly in front of us.
I second Meanest Professor Ever. It's in the hands of those who want to change the site to do so - by publishing something exemplary, something they want to read themselves. And we will all look at it and say "wow! That was great! I want to write something like that!" and then we will.
ReplyDeleteIt's called "raising the tone", if you feel that the tone requires raising.
Myself, I wasn't expecting CM to be like RYS. Why would it be?
A note about the longer posts though - I admit my eye does tend to skip downwards if I'm not feeling entertained. My recommendation is that everyone learn to use the "jump" tag. I'll post a screenshot. Just make the first paragraph short and put in a "read more" link to the rest of the post. Anyone who isn't engaged by the first para doesn't need to click on the link; and the site doesn't get cluttered.
These long, rambling, nearly-incoherent posts about how the stupid snowflakes can't write make me suspect that the students can't write because their teachers can't write, or teach. Perhaps if the contributors focused on becoming better writers themselves - especially when it comes to self-editing - then there would be a more sympathetic audience for these complaints. Little steps like organizing thoughts, developing an argument, re-reading what you've written, and editing mercilessly would be helpful. There are no RYS mods to polish up these meandering bitch-fests so contributors need to also be their own editors.
ReplyDeleteI used to think the snowflakes were entirely at fault but since CM opened its doors, I'm beginning to suspect that at least some of the faculty are to blame for the depressingly poor writing skills of the typical college student.
God I really wish academics could just get over themselves. I expect this kind of nit-picking on YouTube or ESPN.com or something, but come ON!
ReplyDeleteIf we were really at a water cooler, we'd have to listen to Dr Jim bitch about one student while Proffie Carole bitched about the secretary's inability to type properly and Sunshine Chris over-praised her students.
Why all the negativity? Read some, skip some. (Although I do embrace the call for self-editing. Always a good thing.)
I wish contributors would rein in the hatred of other contributors. I've been royally flamed for suggesting a college professor address his or her students in correct English, and now my comment has been interpliced and re-posted with lame comebacks for yet more flaming. I understand if you despise me but can't you just post it once and be done with it? A simple blanket "I hate you" would cover it forever and ever so I don't have to see my comments regurgitated into a yet another meandering complaint that could be summed up with a simple phrase: I hate you. I get it already.
ReplyDeleteRachel, don't feel down. I think you're great. You have a distinct personality - something that we need more of around here. The fact that you can be a punching bag for Dr. Snarky is just gravy.
ReplyDeleteThanks, BB, I don't feel down, this blog isn't quite that life-changing that a couple of trolls can make me depressed. I just wish this site was as smart as RYS and a little less flamebait-y. But I suppose I was always the Pollyanna of RYS - I often wrote in to express sympathy and encouragement for downtrodden profs and the mods frequently chose to post my contributions, even giving me a cute moniker. Perhaps it is that compassion that makes me so despised on CM. No matter how much people may whine and bitch about their predicaments, they don't necessary want anyone's pity, even when their writing seems to be begging for exactly that. Since CM opened its virtual doors, I've been called a douche, smarmy, snowflake and more. I just wonder where most of the smart profs who can write well and made RYS so entertaining went off to, and why mostly just the illiterate trolls gravitated to CM.
ReplyDeleteIf RYS had allowed comments, they'd rip a new one but but it would have been in an acceptably smart, literate manner.
ReplyDeleteYou've been the target of some top notch comedy. Keep up the good work.
thanks 4 teh lulz!!!
Actually, this site is pretty awesome. What's the fucking problem?