Available at http://www.babyblues.com/
I saw this in the newspaper, and although the student in this case is a little kid, I couldn't help but wonder how many of our students think the same thing as he does in the last slide...
(And yes, I realize this is 2 weeks old, but the website is on a two week delay and I couldn't get my stupid scanner to work to scan it in when I first saw it. Technology...)
I got caught the other day by one of my current students sitting outside another department in their very nice courtyard. He stopped, and stammered, and then blurted out all in a rush that he was thinking of changing majors and I shouldn't be offended that he didn't want to be professional basket weaver anymore.
ReplyDeleteI guess the part-time people thing applies even before we've left campus!
Why were you outside of another department?!?! Was it...the business school...? Our B.S. (pun intended) has a lovely courtyard, although I definitely attract stares for not being hoicked into a Jones NY suit whilst I sit there. It would only be worse if I *gasp* was smoking!
ReplyDeleteI have been known to hide from my students when I encounter them in public places.
I confess that I, as a freshman, was bewildered when I saw my professor at a store renting a movie. My first thought was, "What the hell is he doing here? Only people rent movies on Friday nights!"
ReplyDelete@BB...One of my favorite grad school horror moments involves visiting the indie video store with then-boyfriend El Prezidente. El Prez had convinced me to watch some "classic" porn with him, and we were ensconced in the "secret porn closet" making our decision for a little bit. Upon emerging from the porn closet, I turned the corner toward the register only to run into...
ReplyDeleteMy dissertation supervisor.
With his wife.
Why yes! Yes, I am indeed concerned with the sociological dimensions of...uh...ermmm...he picked it out.
It's hard to say who was more embarrassed.
My solution to that problem: "Whatchoo lookin' at?" It's not like he caught you selling crack on a street corner; you have a right as a US citizen to look at porn boxes in a video store. It's not during the stupidly sacrosanct "working hours" so the guy/gal can go jump in a lake.