Monday, March 19, 2012


  1. The nuttiness increased hits. That's a bad thing.

  2. Why does the graph go to zero at Week 12? Omen? Weird graph?

    1. Week 12 hadn't happened yet. We're in week 12 now.

    2. If I just set the chart to show the completed weeks, the software shrinks the graph's range, showing, for example, just the range between 25,000-45,000. If I include the coming week, I get to see the full graph. It's a feature of the Statcounter software, and I've addressed this question once before when Ben asked the same thing.

  3. Thanks RGM,got it.

    Southern Bubba, your explanation was both accurate, funny, and not helpful. Reminds me of this joke:

    "Two Physicists were riding in a hot air balloon and were blown off course sailing over a mountain trail, and were completely lost.
    They spotted a jogger running on the trail and they shouted "Can you tell us where we are?" The jogger paused for a few seconds and yelled back "You're up in a balloon."
    One physicists said to the other, "Just our luck to run into a mathematician". "How do you know he was a mathematician?" asked the other.
    "Well, his answer was 100% correct, but it was totally useless."


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