Thursday, December 11, 2014

Dr. Amelia Asks, "Was that a Hallelujah I hear?"

I've submitted final grades for the fall semester, and I'd like to take a moment to thank those who made this moment possible:

  1. Wine
  2. My precious flakies, whose prose like "In modern times, in our world today" made grading those final papers quite easy
  3. Panic at the Disco and Black Eyed Peas, whose Pandora channels were instrumental to my success
  4. My offspring whose whispers in the kitchen about "Can I ask Mommy to tuck me in?" "No, that grading is stressing her out" were the inspiration to finish as quickly as possible.
  5. My colleagues, whose chipper Facebook posts about how they were done a few days ago were inspiration to finish up just so I could post this. Amen. Amen. and Amen.


  1. I will confess I am jealous--I still have a giant stack of essays to get through, plus end-of-term portfolios for comp classes and lit finals coming in next week--but the End Is Near. I can feel it.

    Enjoy the holidays, Dr. Amelia!

  2. Congratulations, Dr. Amelia! And thanks for the priceless video. I really needed that belly laugh today.

  3. Still grading here, too, and seconding the thanks for the video. Sometimes adding a "visual aid" to illustrate a classic really, really isn't a good idea.


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